From Microspreads to Grayscale

The process of bringing God's Divine Narrative to life is complex. From the scripting of iBIBLE to the completed episode that you can view online and share with friends and family, there are many stages that iBIBLE art must go through before it is finished. Join us on a visual journey through the production of iBIBLE from microspreads to grayscale today and see a glimpse into this process.

iBIBLE storyboard artists begin the process of creating artwork by reviewing research provided by the research team. They look for clues found in the script, like time of day and people to include in each image, and then create what we call a microspread. Microspreads provide creative direction, highlighting important details for the artists to use.


The microspread images are then compiled into a reel called an animatic. Animatics create an outline of the action that will take place throughout the animated episode.


Basic elements like direction of movement, people involved in each scene, and lighting changes are noted for the artists in each animatic. Background items, scenery, and orientation of figures within the scene are detailed for the artists.


With the animatic for direction, iBIBLE artists produce line art. You can see how the rough outline of the tent in the animatic image above becomes clear in the line art below. Even the placement of the man on the left, whose eyes are noted to look to the right comes into clear view in the line art. You can see a man clearly shading his eyes from the sun.




The next step is to add shading to the line art, providing dimension and depth to the scene. See how the line art above comes to life with shading in the same images below. You can see the light of the sun casting long shadows, highlighting the heat. As the man shields his eyes, it underscores the reality that the famine had become severe in the land, and Joseph's father and brothers had to do something about it.




This grayscale art then moves from the artists to the animators to create the final episode. This episode featuring Joseph and his family will be released with all the episodes of iBIBLE Genesis on Easter, 2024!

Thank you for partnering with us as we bring the world’s first complete animated and interactive Divine Narrative to the whole world. Because of your faithful prayers and generous contributions, we will be able to share iBIBLE for FREE—free to license, free to translate, free to distribute—to the ends of the earth. Prayerfully consider making a donation today to support iBIBLE.

Producer kit

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  • An iBIBLE T-shirt in your requested size
  • The iBIBLE Storybooks: Volumes 1 and 2
  • The Pilgrim’s Progress Storybook
  • Three copies of The Real Story of Jesus storybook
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  • Two copies of The Pilgrim’s Progress on DVD (with Blu-ray option)

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Along with The Pilgrim’s Progress DVD and iBIBLE T-shirt, you will also receive SIX illustrated storybooks: iBIBLE Storybook, Volumes 1 and 2, and The Pilgrim’s Progress Storybook, and three copies of The Real Story of Jesus. PLUS 100 QR Code iBIBLE Stickers.