iBIBLE Production Part 9: Translation

As we have looked at the creation of iBIBLE over the past weeks, we have explored the incredible detail that goes into research, artwork, and animation. After finishing the interactive elements of a chapter of iBIBLE, it is finally complete!

Uploading Farsi chapter 1.

At last, we can share the message of the Scriptures with the English-speaking world. Naturally, the next crucial step is to translate iBIBLE into different languages so that it can be shared globally.

In total, iBIBLE will be over 150 chapters in length, and each of those will be translated into as many languages as possible—a monumental task, for sure! So how do we translate an episode of iBIBLE? The process for translating a chapter of iBIBLE has been created to support each chapter, and is scalable for the translation of 150 chapters of iBIBLE into thousands of languages.

First, we begin with a translation kit, a key tool in the process. This kit provides all of the needed information for those who will be translating. It includes a document which gives an overview of the chapter of iBIBLE to be translated. Next, it explains the characters in the episodes, what kinds of voices would best fit each character, and a copy of the dialogue. In this document, each line is labeled with a time code. This way, the artists and engineers can match the timing of each sequence of the translation to the original animation.

An example of an iBIBLE translation kit

Next, we create the raw files. This includes an audio track with scoring and sound effects but no voices, and a video file with no text on the screen. Cultural differences are also taken into account: does this culture read books from left to right, or from right to left? One video file for each style is created.

 Image of iBIBLE Chapter 4

The vision of iBIBLE is to reach the ends of the earth. This includes people speaking the 7,000+ living languages of the world. The goal is that every tribe, tongue, and nation will have access to iBIBLE in either their first or second language as soon as possible. This may seem like an unattainable goal, but with the help of the worldwide community of believers, this dream can become a reality. Church communities, missionaries, and every believer can help bring iBIBLE to the world.

As more people hear about iBIBLE, the more missionaries and volunteers we make contact with for translation. People write emails and send us letters letting us know that they are willing and able to help translate and overdub the project into their own language. 

We review and approve volunteers, and when the translations are complete, we also test and review the final product. This ensures that translation is done with the same level of care and attention to detail as the rest of the iBIBLE process. When translations are completed, files are updated, uploaded, and rendered. Then we share to platforms like YouTube, and look forward to incorporating these translated chapters into our forthcoming iBIBLE app.

This is where you come in. We believe that there are countless talented, gifted, equipped believers with a heart for serving others and sharing the message of the Scriptures with the whole world. If this resonates with you, and you believe that you can help bring iBIBLE to the ends of the earth by volunteering to translate, then reply to this email today and get in contact with us.

Farsi chapter 1

We are thrilled to see translated chapters of iBIBLE completed, and we cannot wait to share each one with you. Prayerfully consider today what God would have you give as we bring this project to the world. Whether it be your time, your talents, your prayers, or your finances, God is working in and through all of us to bring iBIBLE to the nations. Partner with us today as an iBIBLE Producer and we will send you a gift as a token of our gratitude. Thank you for journeying with us as we create the world’s first visual and interactive presentation of God’s Divine narrative.

Watch iBIBLE Chapter 4 in Farsi

Producer kit

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  • An iBIBLE T-shirt in your requested size
  • The iBIBLE Storybooks: Volumes 1 and 2
  • The Pilgrim’s Progress Storybook
  • Three copies of The Real Story of Jesus storybook
  • A pack of 100 iBIBLE QR Code stickers so you can share iBIBLE in your own community
  • Two copies of The Pilgrim’s Progress on DVD (with Blu-ray option)

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Along with The Pilgrim’s Progress DVD and iBIBLE T-shirt, you will also receive SIX illustrated storybooks: iBIBLE Storybook, Volumes 1 and 2, and The Pilgrim’s Progress Storybook, and three copies of The Real Story of Jesus. PLUS 100 QR Code iBIBLE Stickers.