In 2019, RevelationMedia released its flagship animated feature film: The Pilgrim’s Progress. We are now on a mission to animate the entire Biblical Narrative and deliver it for FREE to the global missions community!
iBIBLE is the world’s first visual and interactive Bible, presenting the entire Biblical Narrative, from Genesis to the final Revelation, as one cohesive story. Watch the Bible on the iBIBLE App, available on the 7+ billion smartphones around the globe.

Unlike stories based on the Bible, the iBIBLE script uses only Scripture and contains no added dialogue, characters, or background stories. As episodes are completed, they will be FREE to translate into any of the world’s 7,000+ living languages.
Completed iBIBLE episodes are featured on the iBIBLE App and the www.i.BIBLE Watch page. They are also available for free on YouTube, through MicroSD cards, and on portable projector systems (Vista Projection Systems, also referred to as JESUS Film Backpacks), and/or Lightstream WiFi Hotspots, provided by Renew Outreach. RevelationMedia has also developed a solar-powered tablet with 512GB of storage space to accommodate up to 100 hours of content (SonTabs). These will be deployed among our ministry partners to remote areas of the world to bring iBIBLE to the nations.
With over 100 million Bibles printed annually, it’s time to break distribution, literacy, and language barriers with a visual and interactive presentation of God’s Word.
About RevelationMedia

RevelationMedia exists to bring people into a closer relationship with Jesus Christ through visual, audio, and print media that is easily and freely accessible in a language they can understand. We aspire to live out the Great Commission by distributing Christian media that helps others know God and make Him known. We are committed to creating, promoting, and distributing quality Biblical content that promotes Biblical literacy, discipleship, and evangelism.
Learn more at RevelationMedia.com