5 Key Prayer Requests for 2022

Happy New Year! We have so much to be thankful for as we look back on God’s work in and through iBIBLE in 2021. 2021 was an especially exciting year because we released the first seven chapters of iBIBLE: the initial six chapters of Genesis, and the fist chapter of Job's story.

Ultimately, iBIBLE will be translated into the top 7,000 living languages of the world. The first translation, Farsi, was completed in 2021 for chapters 1–6. The Farsi version of iBIBLE has already been distributed in Iran to over 100 underground churches. Reports are already coming in from the missions field as iBIBLE is being shared with those who have never heard God’s Word before.

As we look forward with the God-sized vision we have for this new year, we are asking for your support through prayer. Please join us in prayer as we work to bring iBIBLE to all tribes, tongues, and nations. We know that our Heavenly Father hears our prayers, so please take some time to pray for our requests below and add them to your prayer lists.


1: Pray for new language partners, and for relationships with current language partners to grow.

RevelationMedia is committed to bringing the story of Scripture to the whole world. This means that finding faithful partners to translate and overdub the video files is imperative to our mission. Please pray for us to connect with the right teams who will be able to do quality work. Pray also that we will grow in our ability to scale translation procedures so that we can provide iBIBLE in many more languages for the global missions community. God has called His people to bring the Gospel to the ends of the earth, and having these procedures in place for iBIBLE translation will help us to accomplish this!


2: Please pray for our animatics team.

One of our goals this year is to create a dedicated animatics team. This will allow us to produce at least one animatic version of an iBIBLE chapter each month. This will drastically increase the speed at which we finish iBIBLE chapters and release them to the world. Please pray that God will raise up the right individuals for the job who share our vision, and pray for God’s help as we equip them for the task at hand.


3: As we open our new studio in Greece, pray for all who are involved.

We have been blessed with an opportunity to access a larger talent pool at a good exchange rate in Greece, so we are setting up a new iBIBLE studio. Please pray for our team as we gather the needed paperwork, set up operations, and train and equip our new team in Greece. We look forward to a robust and talented team joining us on our mission to bring God’s Divine narrative to the world.

4: For continued support of current financial partners, and new financial partners who see the global need for iBIBLE and are willing to partner with us.

The number one question we receive from the missions field is "When will we get more episodes?" Missions workers, ministry leaders, grandparents, parents, and even Christian schools have requested more episodes. In order to grow our team and to continue production of iBIBLE, we need continued support from friends like you. We trust in God’s provision, and we recognize that if this work is of God, nothing can stand against it.

5: Pray for our MicroSD card ministry, and the safety of those who use this technology to share the Gospel around the world.

Those who disseminate MicroSD cards in parts of the world where the Gospel has not yet been preached often face extreme danger. They face imprisonment, bodily harm, and even death for sharing the Good News with the unreached. We are beginning to hear snippets of testimonies from places in the Middle East where the MicroSD cards of the first six chapters of iBIBLE have been distributed. Lives are being changed. People who would never have looked at a Bible are now asking to learn more. Pray for safety, and for many, many lives to be touched by the story of God’s Word!


We are so thankful for the support of all those who have contributed to the work of iBIBLE. Your support has allowed us to continue producing the world’s first visual and interactive presentation of God’s Divine narrative, and it helps us bring iBIBLE to the world for FREE. Thank you all for being our partners in this great adventure. Thank you for your support with finances, but most importantly, thank you for being our support in prayer.

Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find strength to help in time of need. —Hebrews 4:16 [KJV]

Producer kit

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As a monthly donor, you will receive:

  • An iBIBLE T-shirt in your requested size
  • The iBIBLE Storybooks: Volumes 1 and 2
  • The Pilgrim’s Progress Storybook
  • Three copies of The Real Story of Jesus storybook
  • A pack of 100 iBIBLE QR Code stickers so you can share iBIBLE in your own community
  • Two copies of The Pilgrim’s Progress on DVD (with Blu-ray option)

  • Become an iBIBLE PRODUCER
    Donate $35 a month or more


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Note: Shirts run slightly small

Along with The Pilgrim’s Progress DVD and iBIBLE T-shirt, you will also receive SIX illustrated storybooks: iBIBLE Storybook, Volumes 1 and 2, and The Pilgrim’s Progress Storybook, and three copies of The Real Story of Jesus. PLUS 100 QR Code iBIBLE Stickers.