A Camel and Its Baby
Along with important locations in the 3D-animated iBIBLE Life of Christ, the art team at RevelationMedia also gets to go through all the different forms of plants, types of landscapes, and yes, animals that would have been common in Israel and the surrounding region. Today, check out this 3D-animated camel and its baby that will be featured in the upcoming installment of iBIBLE!
See the adult camel walking in the GIF below. It’s remarkable how lifelike and realistic the image looks, but this is made possible through the cutting-edge use of 3D animation.
Next, see this moving GIF of a baby camel. This adorable little creature would have kept close to its mother.
You’ll be able to see these camels in the upcoming episodes within the unfolding Biblical scenes!
RevelationMedia is so grateful for your continued support as we continue to animate and produce iBIBLE Life of Christ, which will begin releasing later this year. During these summer months, which have been financially challenging, prayerfully consider a generous donation to help RevelationMedia keep producing quality Christian content to the global missions community for free.