"Crucify Him, Crucify Him!"
In one of the most grim scenes in history, a crowd cried for the death of their Messiah. Step behind the scenes of the iBIBLE Salvation episode as we look at the scene of Pilate presenting Jesus and Barabbas to a crowd that would decide which of them to set free.
After questioning Jesus, Pilate presented Him and Barabbas to the crowd, who “shouted all the more, ‘Crucify him.’ So Pilate, wishing to satisfy the crowd, released for them Barabbas, and having scourged Jesus, he delivered him to be crucified” (Mark 15:14–15). In this iBIBLE scene, Jesus stands before the riotous crowd in His crown of thorns, while the criminal Barabbas stands on the other side of Pilate.
The sky above this scene is dark and gloomy, portraying the emotion and darkness of what was happening in the scheme of history. Here was the sinless Savior of the world, being denied by the people He came to save, who cried for His death. In front of them, the crowd is crying for Christ’s crucifixion (see Matthew 27:24–25).
Jesus died so that this same crowd, as well as the whole world, could receive deliverance from sins through repentance and faith in Him! Thank you for supporting iBIBLE as we seek to help bring the story of salvation to the ends of the earth! Please consider coming alongside us as an iBIBLE Producer with a monthly donation to help us script, animate, produce, translate, and distribute iBIBLE.