Watch iBIBLE Episodes
Genesis Episode 7:
After the flood, the sons of Noah and their wives began to repopulate the earth. The people settled in the land of Shinar, desiring to make a name for themselves. The LORD said that the people were united and that nothing they set out to accomplish would be impossible for them. He went down and confused their language. So, the LORD scattered the people all over the earth, and the building of the city and the tower stopped.
Genesis Episode 1: Creation (Part 1) [Swahili]
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and empty, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. He created day and night, the sun, the stars, and the moon. He created the beasts of the earth, the livestock, and everything that crawls on the earth, each according to its own kind. And God saw that it was good.Watch Now -
Genesis Episode 2: Creation (Part 2) [Swahili]
God formed man out of the dust of the ground and breathed into him the breath of life, and he became a living soul. God spoke to Adam, saying, “Do not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for if you do, you will surely die.” Adam named all the living creatures. God removed one of Adam’s ribs, and with the rib He made a woman and brought her to Adam.Watch Now -
Genesis Episode 3: The Fall [Swahili]
The serpent, who was craftier than any of the creatures that the LORD God had made, came to Eve and asked her, “Did God really say not to eat of any tree in the garden?” Tempted by the serpent’s words, she went against God’s command and ate of the fruit of the tree and shared it with her husband who was with her. Their eyes were opened, and they realized they were naked, and they hid from God’s presence.Watch Now -
Genesis Episode 4: Cain & Abel [Swahili]
After being driven out from the garden of Eden, Adam and Eve had two sons: Cain and Abel. In the course of time, Cain and Abel brought offerings to the LORD. The LORD accepted Abel and his offering, but He did not accept Cain or his offering. Realizing this, Cain became very angry. When they were in the field together, Cain turned on his brother Abel and killed him.Watch Now -
Genesis Episode 5: The Great Flood (Part 1) [Swahili]
God saw that the people on earth were very wicked. Among the wicked people of the earth, there was a man who found favor with God. His name was Noah. God gave instructions to Noah to build an ark. Noah did just as God had commanded him: he gathered all the animals, his family, and enough food for all of them, and entered the ark. It rained on the earth 40 days and 40 nights.Watch Now -
Genesis Episode 6: The Great Flood (Part 2) [Swahili]
God remembered Noah and all the animals in the ark. The waters began to recede. God spoke to Noah, saying “Come out from the ark.” Then Noah built an altar to the LORD. God established His covenant with Noah, Noah’s family, and every living creature on the earth, that never again would all living things be destroyed by a flood. God set His bow in the clouds as a sign of a covenant between Him and the earth.Watch Now -
Genesis Episode 8: The Call of Abram [Swahili]
God called Abram out from Ur and promised to make him a great nation, and to bless him. Abram’s family settled in Haran. Then Abram traveled to Canaan, but a famine forced them to go to Egypt. Abram told Sarai to say to the Egyptians that she was his sister, for fear that they would kill him. Pharaoh took Sarai into his house, and God sent great plagues to Pharaoh and his house. So Pharaoh sent Abram and his family away.Watch Now -
Genesis Episode 9: Abram and the Kings’ War [Swahili]
Abram and Lot’s herdsmen began to quarrel. Lot chose all the Jordan Valley for himself, and they separated. Abram lived in Canaan. There, God spoke to Abram and told him that all the land he could see would be given to him and his descendants forever. Four kings warred against five, and the victors took Lot captive. Abram gathered 318 trained men, pursued the armies, and brought back his nephew. After this, Melchizedek, priest of God, blessed Abram.Watch Now -
Genesis Episode 10: Everlasting Covenant [Swahili]
The LORD brought Abram outside and told him to look up at the sky and count the stars. So would be the number of Abram’s offspring. Abram believed the LORD, and the LORD counted it to him as righteousness. The LORD told Abram to gather animals, then a deep sleep fell on Abram. A smoking pot and a flaming torch appeared and passed between the pieces of the animals. That day, the LORD made a covenant with Abram.Watch Now -
Genesis Episode 11: The Birth of Ishmael [Swahili]
Sarai was childless, so she told Abram to sleep with her servant, so that Sarai could have children through her. Abram listened and took Hagar as his wife. Hagar became pregnant, and looked on Sarai with contempt. When Sarai dealt harshly with Hagar, Hagar ran away. The Angel of the LORD found Hagar by a spring in the desert and said He would multiply her descendants. Hagar returned to Sarai, and she bore Abram a son named Ishmael.Watch Now -
Genesis Episode 12: Abram to Abraham [Swahili]
The LORD appeared to Abram, saying that he would be the father of many nations. God changed Abram’s name to Abraham and Sarai’s name to Sarah. God promised that Abraham would give birth to a son named Isaac. As a sign of this promise, Abraham and all male descendants were to be circumcised. God blessed Ishmael as well. Abraham took Ishmael and all those born in his house and circumcised them.Watch Now -
Genesis Episode 13: Divine Negotiation [Swahili]
Abraham lifted his eyes and saw three men, and he invited them to eat with him. As they ate, the LORD said to Abraham, “I will return to you around this time next year, and Sarah will have a son.” Sarah was listening from the tent and laughed to herself. The three men were on their way to Sodom, and Abraham negotiated with the LORD concerning Sodom.Watch Now -
Genesis Episode 14: Lot & Sodom [Swahili]
Lot saw the two angels of the LORD approach, and he pressed them to stay with him. Men from Sodom said, “Bring them to us, that we may know them.” The angels struck the men with blindness. The angels told Lot to flee for his life, and the LORD rained sulfur and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah. Lot’s wife looked back and became a pillar of salt, and Lot and his two daughters went up into the hills.Watch Now -
Genesis Episode 15: Abraham & Abimelech [Swahili]
Abraham told the people of Gerar that Sarah was his sister, and the king, Abimelech, sent and took Sarah. God came to Abimelech in a dream and told him to return Sarah to Abraham. Abimelech returned Sarah right away. Abraham prayed to God, and God healed Abimelech, his wife, and all the female slaves so that they bore children, because they had become barren. Abimelech sent Abraham and Sarah away with great gifts.Watch Now -
Genesis Episode 16: The Birth of Isaac [Swahili]
The LORD remembered Sarah, and Sarah bore Abraham a son in his old age, just as God had promised. Abraham called him Isaac and circumcised him as God had commanded him. Abraham made a great feast when Isaac was weaned, but Sarah saw Ishmael making fun of Isaac. Hagar and Ishmael were cast out, but God provided them with water, and promised Hagar that He would make Ishmael into a great nation.Watch Now -
Genesis Episode 17: Abraham’s Test [Swahili]
God tested Abraham and told him to take his only son Isaac and offer him as a burnt offering. So Abraham rose early and took Isaac his son, and when they came to the place, Abraham bound Isaac and laid him on the altar. But the Angel of the LORD called out to him, “Do not lay your hand on the boy!” And the LORD provided a ram for the burnt offering. Later, Sarah died in Hebron.Watch Now -
Genesis Episode 18: Rebekah Is Chosen [Swahili]
Abraham told his servant to go to his kindred to choose a wife for Isaac. The servant went to Nahor, and he prayed to the LORD, “If one of the young women says, ‘Drink, and I will give water to your camels as well,’ then let her be the one You intend for Isaac.” Rebekah, the daughter of Bethuel, came out and immediately lowered her pitcher to give the servant a drink and offered to draw water for his camels.Watch Now -
Genesis Episode 19: Isaac & Rebekah [Swahili]
When Laban saw the ring and bracelets given to his sister Rebekah and heard the report, he ran out and found Abraham’s servant. Abraham’s servant told Rebekah’s family about the oath he had made to find Isaac a wife. Laban and Bethual agreed to have Rebekah go, as the LORD had spoken. Isaac took Rebekah as his wife, and he loved her. Abraham died at the age of 175, and was buried with Sarah his wife.Watch Now -
Genesis Episode 20: Jacob & Esau (Part 1) [Swahili]
Rebekah was unable to conceive, so Isaac prayed to the LORD on her behalf. Rebekah became pregnant, and the children struggled together within her womb. Isaac favored his son Esau, while Rebekah favored Jacob. Esau exchanged his birthright for Jacob’s stew. There came a famine, and Isaac settled in Gerar, where he said of Rebekah, “she is my sister.” Isaac left there and stayed in the valley of Gerar.Watch Now -
Genesis Episode 21: Jacob & Esau (Part 2) [Swahili]
When Isaac was old, he called for his older son Esau to hunt wild game and prepare it for him, so that he would eat it and give his blessing. Rebekah heard their conversation, and told Jacob to bring two young goats. She prepared the food that Isaac loved and put Esau’s clothes on Jacob. Isaac ate the meal that Jacob brought to him, and blessed Jacob instead of Esau.Watch Now -
Genesis Episode 22: Jacob’s Ladder [Swahili]
On his way to Haran, Jacob stopped to rest. As he slept, he dreamed and saw a ladder set on the earth, reaching to Heaven. At the very top, the LORD appeared, and He promised to give the land on which Jacob was lying to him and his offspring. Jacob awoke and said, “Surely the LORD is in this place,” and he named the place Bethel. Jacob approached Haran, and Laban brought Jacob to his house.Watch Now -
Genesis Episode 23: Rachel & Leah [Swahili]
Jacob worked for Laban for seven years in exchange for his younger daughter Rachel. Laban deceived Jacob and brought him his older daughter Leah on their wedding night. Jacob agreed to work for Laban for seven more years so he could marry Rachel in addition to Leah. He loved Rachel more. God blessed Leah and Rachel and their servants with sons and a daughter.Watch Now -
Genesis Episode 24: Jacob Leaves Haran [Swahili]
Jacob asked Laban to let him go his own way so that he could return to his country, Canaan. Laban convinced him to stay by agreeing to give him the speckled and spotted animals from his flock. Laban quickly removed the speckled and spotted animals, and did not give them to Jacob. Jacob continued to care for Laban’s flocks as promised. God blessed Jacob and increased his flocks and servants. Jacob gathered his wives and all that he had and fled to Canaan.Watch Now -
Genesis Episode 25: Treaty With Laban [Swahili]
Laban learned that Jacob had fled, and he immediately gathered his kinsmen and pursued Jacob. After seven days, Laban overtook Jacob. God had warned Laban in a dream not to say anything to Jacob, good or bad. Laban searched through the tents for his stolen household gods but did not find them. Together, they agreed before the LORD God of Abraham to do each other no harm.Watch Now -
Genesis Episode 26: Jacob to Israel [Swahili]
Jacob continued toward Canaan, and as he journeyed, he was met by the angels of God, and he exclaimed, “This is God’s camp!” Jacob became afraid after hearing that Esau was approaching with 400 men, so he divided his camp and prayed to God. A Man appeared to Jacob and the two began to wrestle. The Man blessed Jacob and changed his name to Israel. The next day, Jacob saw Esau approach. Esau ran toward Jacob and embraced him.Watch Now -
Genesis Episode 27: The Attack on Dinah [Swahili]
Dinah, the daughter of Jacob and Leah, set out to visit the young women. Shechem saw her, seized her, and forced himself on her. Hamor spoke with Jacob and asked him to give Dinah to Shechem as his wife. The sons of Jacob answered them deceitfully, and every male in the city was circumcised. The third day, while the men were still in pain, Simeon and Levi killed every male in the city.Watch Now -
Genesis Episode 28: The Birth of Benjamin [Swahili]
Jacob and all those who were with him journeyed to Canaan. God appeared to Jacob and blessed him. During their journey toward Ephrath, Rachel went into hard labor. As she breathed her last breath, Rachel named her son Ben-oni, but Jacob called him Benjamin. Rachel was buried in Bethlehem. Jacob returned to see his father in Hebron, and Isaac died an old man, and his sons buried him.Watch Now -
Genesis Episode 29: Joseph’s Dreams [Swahili]
Israel loved Joseph more than all his other children, and he made a robe of many colors for him. Joseph had two dreams, and when he told his brothers about his dreams, they hated him even more. They conspired to kill him, and when Joseph was sent to them, they stripped him of his robe and cast him into an empty pit. Then the Ishmaelites took Joseph to Egypt where he was sold to Potiphar.Watch Now -
Genesis Episode 30: Judah & Tamar [Swahili]
Judah took a wife for Er, his firstborn, and her name was Tamar. Er was wicked, and the LORD killed him. Onan, his second son, married his brother’s wife, but he did evil, so the LORD killed him as well. Tamar saw that she was not given to Judah’s third son as his wife, and she dressed as a prostitute. Judah slept with Tamar, and she became pregnant.Watch Now -
Genesis Episode 31: Joseph the Faithful Servant [Swahili]
The LORD was with Joseph, and he became successful while he was in the house of Potiphar, his Egyptian master. Potiphar’s wife grabbed him and told him to sleep with her, but Joseph ran out of the house, leaving his robe in her hand. She put the robe aside until Potiphar came home and told him that Joseph came in to make a fool of her. Potiphar took Joseph and put him in prison.Watch Now -
Genesis Episode 32: Interpreter of Dreams [Swahili]
Pharaoh became angry with his cupbearer and the chief baker, so he put them in prison, and Joseph was their attendant. The king’s cupbearer and baker both had dreams, and each dream had its own meaning. Joseph said that interpretations belong to God, and asked them to tell him what they dreamed. They told Joseph, and he interpreted them. It happened just as Joseph had said it would.Watch Now -
Genesis Episode 33: Pharaoh’s Dreams [Swahili]
Pharaoh had a dream, followed by a second dream. Pharaoh was so troubled that he called all the Egyptian magicians and told them his dreams, but no one could interpret them. The chief cupbearer told Pharaoh that a young Hebrew interpreted dreams while he was in prison. Pharaoh summoned Joseph and told him his dream. Joseph told Pharaoh the interpretation, which was that there would be a great famine.Watch Now -
Genesis Episode 34: The Famine [Swahili]
Joseph traveled throughout the land of Egypt for seven years to collect food and store grain. Then the seven years of famine began. Throughout the land of Egypt, however, there was food. All of Joseph’s brothers went down to buy grain from Egypt, except for Benjamin. When they bowed down before Joseph, he recognized them, but they did not recognize him. Joseph claimed they were spies and put them in prison for three days.Watch Now -
Genesis Episode 35: Joseph Tests His Brothers [Swahili]
Joseph asked for Simeon to remain in prison while the others carried grain back to their home in Canaan. Joseph asked his brothers to bring back Benjamin, the youngest, in order to verify that their story was true. Joseph’s brothers departed and returned to Jacob and told them what had happened. They emptied their packs, and each man’s money was in his own pack. They became afraid. Jacob refused to let Benjamin go back to Egypt with them.Watch Now -
Genesis Episode 36: The Feast [Swahili]
Jacob told his sons to return to Egypt when their grain was gone. Joseph’s brothers took Benjamin and a gift, and double the money, and went down to Egypt. They stood before Joseph. Joseph looked up and saw Benjamin, and then went into his chamber and wept. Joseph served his brothers a meal, and the brothers ate and drank and enjoyed themselves.Watch Now -
Genesis Episode 37: The Reunion [Swahili]
Joseph commanded the manager of his house to fill each of Joseph’s brothers’ packs with food and each man’s money, and to put his silver cup inside Benjamin’s pack. The manager overtook the brothers, the silver cup was found, and the brothers returned to the city. Judah pleaded with Joseph for his brother Benjamin’s life. Joseph revealed who he was to his brothers, and they were terrified at his presence.Watch Now -
Genesis Episode 38: Israel Invited to Egypt [Swahili]
Joseph explained to his brothers what God had shown to him and asked them to go and tell his father how honored he was in Egypt and about everything they had seen. The sons of Israel went out of the land of Egypt to Jacob, their father. When Israel saw the wagons that Joseph sent, he exclaimed that his son was alive. He began his journey to Egypt, taking with him all that he had.Watch Now -
Genesis Episode 39: Joseph & Jacob Reunited [Swahili]
Joseph presented himself to Israel, and he embraced him and wept on his neck for a long time. Then Pharaoh gave Israel and his family the entire land of Goshen to dwell in. Jacob blessed Pharaoh. Joseph made it a law in Egypt that Pharaoh should have 20 percent.Watch Now -
Genesis Episode 40: Jacob Blesses Joseph’s Sons [Swahili]
Israel lived in the land of Egypt, in Goshen, and their numbers multiplied greatly, and their possessions grew. Joseph swore to Jacob that he would bury him in the land of his fathers. Joseph was told his father was ill. Joseph took his two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim, with him, and Jacob kissed and embraced them. Jacob blessed them, and said that the younger brother would be greater than the older brother.Watch Now -
Genesis Episode 41: Jacob Blesses His Sons [Swahili]
Jacob called for his sons to tell them what would happen to them in the days to come. These were the twelve tribes of Israel, and their father spoke to them and blessed them, giving each the blessing appropriate to him. Jacob instructed them to bury him with his ancestors in the cave in the field of Machpelah, in Mamre. When Jacob finished, he died.Watch Now -
Genesis Episode 42: The Death of Joseph [Swahili]
Joseph went up to Canaan to bury his father Jacob, and all the servants of Pharaoh, the leaders of his household and of Egypt, along with Joseph’s entire household, his brothers, and his father’s household. Joseph continued to live in the land of Egypt along with his father’s household. He made the sons of Israel swear an oath to carry his bones up from Egypt, and then Joseph died.Watch Now

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