Caesar's Palace
While most of the scenes from iBIBLE Life of Christ take place in Judea and the surrounding regions, where Jesus performed His ministry, the Roman Empire and its influence looms in the background of the Gospel Narrative. Augustus Caesar was in power when Jesus was born (he died in 14 A.D.), and presided over the Roman Empire, which at the time lay claim to territory in Europe, Asia Minor, the Mediterranean, and even parts of Egypt. Augustus ruled over one of the largest empires in human history, and here is a 3D look at his palace.
This first image shows the exterior of the palace with its pillars, extravagant statues, and patio fountains.
Next is an image of the interior of the spacious throne room, supported by pillars and surrounded by windows.
Finally, here is a moving GIF that demonstrates what it would have looked like to enter the palace. The throne was the first thing you would have seen once the doors were opened.
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