Jumping Ahead: Jesus Washes Peter's Feet
There are so many iconic Bible passages and events—the ones you tend to visualize and certainly would never forget. For example: David killing Goliath, Elijah being taken to Heaven in a chariot of fire, or Jesus and the Last Supper.
While our team of artists are currently working through Job and finishing up the events surrounding Joseph’s life in Genesis, we sometimes jump ahead and create artwork for promotional purposes. Recently, we chose to illustrate the scene in which Jesus washes Peter’s feet.
[Jesus] rose from supper. He laid aside his outer garments, and taking a towel, tied it around his waist. Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet and to wipe them with the towel that was wrapped around him. He came to Simon Peter, who said to him, “Lord, do you wash my feet?” —John 13:4–6 [ESV]
We can imagine the perplexed look the disciples must have had as they watched the Son of God tenderly washing the feet of Simon Peter. And of course, Peter himself at first refused to have Jesus wash his feet!
Peter said to him, “You shall never wash my feet.” —John 13:8
Illustrating this scene was such a privilege. It reminds us of how Jesus washes our sins away just as he washed the dirt from Peter’s feet.
You can see that we placed some of the disciples in the background and shadowed them to bring attention to the intimacy of the moment. Jesus—the Savior of the world—with an imperfect man, Peter, who was chosen by God, but would later deny even knowing Jesus.
Below, we highlighted some of the many stages every piece of artwork goes through. Each scene is prayerfully and carefully considered, taking into account the details, emotions, and reactions as revealed in Scripture. It is exciting to think that when iBIBLE is complete, it will contain thousands of scenes like the one of Jesus washing Peter’s feet.
For this scene, we know from Scripture that:
1. They were in the upper room. (Mark 14:15)
2. They were reclined at the table. (Matthew 26:20)
3. It was evening. They were eating the Passover meal, which is an evening meal. (Mark 14:16–17)
4. We also know Peter was shocked at the idea of Jesus washing his feet. (John 13:8)
Based on the information above, we created the scene, striving to be as accurate as possible.
After the scene is finalized, we will create many variations to show different camera angles and details, and then it will be ready for the animation team.
We hope to create more scenes like this one where we jump ahead to some of the more well-known events in Scripture. Do you have a favorite Scriptural event that you would like to see illustrated? If so, please feel free to respond to this email and share with us your favorite event(s) in the Bible, and perhaps we may be able to create your favorite scene next!
Thank you for joining us on the incredible journey of illustrating and animating the entire Biblical narrative. Words cannot describe the joy and honor we experience in producing iBIBLE. We pray that you share in this same joy and honor as you continue to pray for the team and support iBIBLE with your financial contributions.