The Crown of Thorns
Before His crucifixion, a crown of thorns was placed on Jesus to mock Him, but His suffering and sacrifice was in preparation for His coming Kingdom. See the progression of new art of Jesus’s crucifixion from the iBIBLE Salvation episode!
At His trial with Pilate, soldiers twisted a crown of thorns and placed it on Jesus’s head:
And they stripped him and put a scarlet robe on him, and twisting together a crown of thorns, they put it on his head and put a reed in his right hand. And kneeling before him, they mocked him, saying, “Hail, King of the Jews! —Matthew 27:28–29
The crown of thorns was placed on Jesus’s head to mock Him and ridicule the claims that He was the King of the Jews. In the shot below from the iBIBLE Salvation episode, the crown is placed on Jesus’s head, and the agony and pain illustrated on His face emphasize the suffering and rejection of Christ:
However, His own people despised Him. He was arrested, spat upon, and beaten without cause. A crown of thorns was placed upon His head. —iBIBLE Salvation Episode
Though the crown of thorns was meant as a mockery of His royalty, Jesus told Pilate that His Kingdom was not of this world (see John 18:36). Christ will ultimately reign in His Kingdom “forever and ever” (Revelation 11:15)! Thank you for supporting iBIBLE as we seek to help bring the story of salvation to the ends of the earth. Please consider coming alongside us as an iBIBLE Producer with a monthly donation to help us script, animate, produce, translate, and distribute iBIBLE.