Join RevelationMedia in a new Bible revolution: producing the world’s first visual, interactive Bible. FREE to the world! We call it iBIBLE.
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The Road to Emmaus
MAR 20, 2025RevelationMedia is continuing to design settings and characters for our upcoming 3D-animated iBIBLE: Life of Christ. This week, learn more about the creation of the city Emmaus through a look at how our artists and animators use research about a location to meticulously craft each element of the story. Each scene of iBIBLE is carefully researched and designed piece-by-piece to be as accurate and engaging as possible.VIEW MORE -
Continuing Designs for iBIBLE Genesis Graphic Novel
MAR 13, 2025RevelationMedia is continuing our designs for graphic novels based on each iBIBLE episode. These books will be released in several volumes, eventually spanning all of RevelationMedia's iBIBLE content. Check out the iBIBLE website at www.i.BIBLE to watch all of the episodes, including iBIBLE Genesis!VIEW MORE -
Animating People: Ruth
MAR 06, 2025RevelationMedia is continuing to design settings and characters for our upcoming 3D-animated iBIBLE: Life of Christ. This week, learn more about the creation of Ruth for Jesus' genealogy through a look at how our artists and animators use research to meticulously craft each element of the story. Each scene of iBIBLE is carefully researched and designed piece-by-piece to be as accurate and engaging as possible.VIEW MORE -
Animating Places: The Pool of Siloam
FEB 27, 2025RevelationMedia is continuing to design settings and characters for our upcoming 3D-animated iBIBLE: Life of Christ. This week, learn more about the creation of the Pool of Siloam through a look at how our artists and animators use research to meticulously craft each element of the story. Each scene of iBIBLE is carefully researched and designed piece-by-piece to be as accurate and engaging as possible.VIEW MORE -
Animating in 3D: Moses
FEB 20, 2025RevelationMedia is continuing to design settings and characters for our upcoming 3D-animated iBIBLE: Life of Christ while also designing key sets and characters for other books of the Bible. This week, learn more about the creation of the clothing for the animated Moses character through a look at how our artists and animators use research to meticulously craft each element of the story. Each scene of iBIBLE is carefully researched and designed piece-by-piece to be as accurate and engaging as possible.VIEW MORE -
Designing iBIBLE Genesis Graphic Novel
FEB 13, 2025RevelationMedia is designing graphic novels based on each iBIBLE episode. These books will be released in several volumes, spanning all of RevelationMedia's iBIBLE content. Check out the iBIBLE website at www.i.BIBLE to watch all of the episodes including iBIBLE Genesis!VIEW MORE -
Concepting and Historical Research of Nineveh
FEB 06, 2025RevelationMedia is continuing to design settings and characters for our upcoming 3D-animated iBIBLE: Life of Christ while also designing key sets for other books of the Bible. This week, explore the book of Jonah and Biblical history through a look at how our artists and animators use research to meticulously craft each element of the story. Each scene of iBIBLE is carefully researched and designed piece-by-piece to be as accurate and engaging as possible.VIEW MORE -
The Throne Room of the Palace of Nineveh
JAN 30, 2025RevelationMedia is continuing to design settings and characters for our upcoming 3D-animated iBIBLE: Life of Christ while also designing key sets for other books of the Bible. This week, explore the book of Jonah with the Assyrian king's palace and throne room in Nineveh. Each scene of iBIBLE is carefully researched and designed piece-by-piece to be as accurate and engaging as possible.VIEW MORE -
A Marketplace Near Herod's Palace
JAN 23, 2025RevelationMedia is continuing to design settings and characters for our upcoming 3D-animated iBIBLE Life of Christ. This week, see the progression of the design of a marketplace near King Herod's palace in Jerusalem. This marketplace was designed using descriptions from the Bible about its walls and gate, as well as the size and affluence of the city. Each scene of iBIBLE is carefully researched and designed piece-by-piece to be as accurate and engaging as possible.VIEW MORE -
An Early Israelite Camp
JAN 16, 2025Even as we're getting ready to begin releasing episodes of iBIBLE Life of Christ, RevelationMedia's animators are working on designing key locations and characters from iBIBLE Genesis, which will eventually also be released in 3D animation.VIEW MORE -
The Early Childhood of Jesus
JAN 09, 2025The Gospels don't give us many stories about Jesus as a child, but we do learn a bit about Him as a 12-year-old when He stayed behind in Jerusalem, conversing with the scribes and teachers of the law. His parents looked for Him for three days until they found Him in the Temple, asking profound questions despite His young age. In today's behind-the-scenes glimpse into the making of iBIBLE, see Jesus as a young child.VIEW MORE -
The Town of Nazareth
JAN 02, 2025A major part of animating iBIBLE Life of Christ is building the key locations that appear in the Gospel narratives. Among the most important towns documented in the New Testament is Nazareth, the small rural town where Jesus was raised. After being born in Bethlehem, the birthplace of King David, Mary and Joseph took Jesus to Egypt to escape from Herod. Later, though, they resettled in Nazareth. In today's behind-the-scenes glimpse into the making iBIBLE, see these beautiful shots of the 3D model of Nazareth.VIEW MORE -
The Angel Gabriel
DEC 19, 2024Gabriel, the angel God sent to tell Mary she would carry the Son of God, is a key character in the Christmas narrative. Gabriel also appeared to the shepherds outside of Bethlehem, as recounted in Luke 2, telling them to not be afraid and declaring to them that Christ was born. As we look forward to Christmas, see the 3D model of the angel Gabriel in this behind-the-scenes glimpse into the making of iBIBLE Life of Christ.VIEW MORE -
Melchor the Wise Man
DEC 12, 2024In the Christmas narrative, Scripture tells us that wise men visited Christ, although we don't know how many "magi" actually came. Matthew 2 recounts the story of the wise men traveling to see the Child, following the star that settled over Bethlehem, and their encounter with the wicked King Herod, who was trying to snuff out the Messianic prophecy.VIEW MORE -
The Shepherd
DEC 05, 2024It is officially Christmastime! RevelationMedia is excited that The Real Story of Christmas, an eleven-minute iBIBLE episode featuring the birth of Christ and a call to respond to God's invitation of salvation, is now available. The art team has been joyfully bringing the New Testament world to life through our new 3D animation format, including the shepherds. Today, see one of these iconic Christmas characters in this behind-the-scenes glimpse into the making of iBIBLE.VIEW MORE -
The Cave of John the Baptist
NOV 21, 2024Who was John the Baptist? The cousin of Jesus, John the Baptist was born to a woman named Elizabeth, the cousin of Mary, who bore this special son in her old age. John the Baptist would grow up strong in the grace of God, and then go out to live in the wilderness awaiting the appearance of the long-awaited Messiah. In today's sneak peek into the making of iBIBLE, see the cave of John the Baptist where the prophet lived from an upcoming episode of iBIBLE Life of Christ!VIEW MORE -
A Crucial Step in the Animating Process: Color Grading
NOV 14, 2024iBIBLE Life of Christ, a 3D-animated rendering of the Gospel Narrative, is currently being color graded to help bring the visual details fully to life! The process of bringing God's Grand Narrative to life involves multiple steps, and at RevelationMedia, we believe iBIBLE should be as vivid, detailed, and richly colored and textured as possible.VIEW MORE -
Mary's House
NOV 07, 2024Christmas is once again right around the corner! Keep an eye out for the special iBIBLE episode The Real Story of Christmas, coming soon. With the holidays fast approaching, see the house of the virgin Mary in 3D animation. Mary was probably just a teenager when the angel Gabriel visited her and told her she would be the mother of God's Son.VIEW MORE -
The Upper Room
OCT 31, 2024The upper room is the place where Jesus spent the final hours before His crucifixion, dining and conversing with His disciples and reminding them all about the necessary steps of obedience He had to take to restore mankind. This room is also known as the "Cenacle," denoting the location of the Last Supper. The art team at RevelationMedia has been designing and building the upper room in preparation for iBIBLE Life of Christ, and you can see some snapshots of this significant Gospel location below!VIEW MORE -
A City in Egypt from iBIBLE Life of Christ
OCT 24, 2024After Jesus was born in Bethlehem, Scripture tells us that Mary and Joseph fled with Him to the land of Egypt to avoid the wrath of King Herod. Our artists at RevelationMedia have built some 3D imagery of this flight to feature in an episode of iBIBLE Life of Christ, which is now in production. See these snapshots of a city in Egypt in this behind-the-scenes glimpse into the making of iBIBLE.VIEW MORE -
Come Backstage with Us at the RevelationMedia Studio!
OCT 17, 2024This week, we have a special behind-the-scenes video giving you a full deep-dive of the 3D animation process! Today, come with us to the RevelationMedia office headquarters in Richardson, Texas and witness the backstage production process for iBIBLE Life of Christ.VIEW MORE -
Pilate's Place
OCT 10, 2024Pontius Pilate, who would eventually approve of Jesus' crucifixion, did not want to be the Roman governor of Israel. But Israel is what he got, and he inherited a country with a long, rich history, now conquered by the world's strongest empire, and with a lot of upheaval due to a mysterious man from Nazareth named Jesus.VIEW MORE -
The Shepherds' Set
OCT 03, 2024If you've been following us on the 3D journey through the world of Jesus as recorded in the Gospels, you know that our team at RevelationMedia has been busy designing and building characters, landscapes, and key settings for the next installment of iBIBLE, called Life of Christ.VIEW MORE -
The Lighthouse of Alexandria
SEP 26, 2024Alexandria was the most important city in the Roman Empire besides Rome itself in the days of Jesus. A major city of trade, commerce, and culture, it was originally founded by Alexander the Great, the Greek who conquered much of the ancient world, and went on to be a major center of early Christianity.VIEW MORE -
Herod's Palace in Jerusalem
SEP 12, 2024Herod's palace in Jerusalem is no longer standing, but it was a central and towering edifice during the days of Jesus. The iBIBLE 3D set of the palace during the lifetime of Christ was compiled using multiple historic and contemporary resources. Archaeology and ancient records provide details about the dimensions and designs of King Herod's "blueprints," and the Jewish historian Josephus gave helpful information about the compound's grandeur. Here are some behind-the-scenes images and a moving GIF of the interior of the palace in Jerusalem from an upcoming episode of iBIBLE Life of Christ.VIEW MORE -
The City of Rome
SEP 05, 2024The Gospel Narrative occurred when the land of Israel was occupied by the Roman Empire, one of the largest imperial forces in human history. Many people in Israel were hoping the Messiah would save them from the tyranny of Rome. Jesus, however, brought a different kind of kingdom. Below, see the 3D-rendered images of the city of Rome, which will be featured in the upcoming iBIBLE Life of Christ.VIEW MORE -
The House of the Prophet Isaiah
AUG 29, 2024The art team at RevelationMedia has been building key locations found in the Gospel Narrative for months now, but they're also designing a certain spot you might not expect: the house of the prophet Isaiah.VIEW MORE -
The Wilderness Where Jesus was Tempted by the Devil
AUG 22, 2024Before Jesus began His ministry, He was led into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit where He fasted for forty days and forty nights (see Matthew 4:1-11). During that time, the devil appeared to Jesus and tempted Him, trying to sway Him from God's Word and deter Him from His divine mission to restore humanity. However, Jesus stayed true to His Father, and eventually the devil fled. In this week's behind-the-scenes glimpse into the making of iBIBLE, see the arid wilderness that likely resembles the area Jesus would have been tempted in.VIEW MORE -
John the Baptist in Early Childhood
AUG 15, 2024If you've been following the behind-the-scenes updates recently, you've seen a few of the many key locations in the Gospel narrative that the RevelationMedia art team is currently building. But production of iBIBLE Life of Christ involves a lot of other exciting activities too! Our artists are now building 3D versions of Biblical characters including Mary, the shepherds, the disciples of Jesus, rabbis and Pharisees, and more. Today, see John the Baptist in the early childhood stage.VIEW MORE -
Caesar's Palace
AUG 08, 2024While most of the scenes from iBIBLE Life of Christ take place in Judea and the surrounding regions, where Jesus performed His ministry, the Roman Empire and its influence looms in the background of the Gospel Narrative. Augustus Caesar was in power when Jesus was born (he died in 14 A.D.), and presided over the Roman Empire, which at the time lay claim to territory in Europe, Asia Minor, the Mediterranean, and even parts of Egypt. Augustus ruled over one of the largest empires in human history, and here is a 3D look at his palace.VIEW MORE -
The City of Capernaum
AUG 01, 2024Capernaum was a fishing town located on the northwestern shores of the Sea of Galilee. The town appears multiple times in the Gospel narratives. It's where Jesus called Peter, Andrew, and Matthew to be His disciples, and is also where He performed many of His miracles and spent a lot of His time (see Matthew 4, Mark 2, and Luke 5). As a highly relevant location, the art team at RevelationMedia have been designing and building the city in the new 3D animation style. See these developing images of Capernaum that will be featured in iBIBLE Life of Christ, which is set to release later this year.VIEW MORE -
The Cliff Outside Nazareth
JUL 25, 2024When Jesus visited His hometown of Nazareth and read from the scroll of Isaiah, He told them that the reading had been fulfilled in their presence (Luke 4:21b). Jesus was declaring Himself as the fulfillment of an Old Testament prophecy. Even though He was in His hometown, the local residents of Nazareth were infuriated by this, and drove Jesus all the way to the edge of a cliff. However, Jesus stepped through the crowd unharmed (Luke 4:38-30).VIEW MORE -
First Look at Bethlehem
JUL 18, 2024Bethlehem, the city where Jesus was born, was just a small village about one hundred miles away from Mary and Joseph's hometown of Nazareth. After the Roman census was decreed (see Luke 2:1), they had to make the hazardous journey to Joseph's ancestral city to be counted. See the first look of Bethlehem in the new 3D style in this behind-the-scenes glimpse into the making of iBIBLE!VIEW MORE -
A Camel and Its Baby
JUL 11, 2024Along with important locations in the 3D-animated iBIBLE Life of Christ, the art team at RevelationMedia also gets to go through all the different forms of plants, types of landscapes, and yes, animals that would have been common in Israel and the surrounding region. Today, check out this 3D-animated camel and its baby that will be featured in the upcoming installment of iBIBLE!VIEW MORE -
Jerusalem on the Wise Men's Journey
JUL 04, 2024Now that iBIBLE Life of Christ is in production, the art team is designing and building key New Testament locations that will be featured in the episodes. A major location is the city of Jerusalem, and is where many important parts of the Gospel story take place, including Jesus' triumphal entry, His cleansing of the Temple, and His eventual death sentence at the hands of Pontius Pilate. The immense importance of this ancient city to the Jewish people can never be overstated! In this behind-the-scenes look into the making of iBIBLE, see the city of Jerusalem through the eyes of the wise men on their travels to witness the birth of Jesus.VIEW MORE -
Joseph's House
JUN 27, 2024Key locations are now being built and animated for iBIBLE Life of Christ, the next installment of iBIBLE, the world's first visual and interactive Bible. Animating in 3D will make the production much faster while offering a vivid and lifelike depiction of the Bible. In this behind-the-scenes glimpse into the making of iBIBLE, see the inside of Joseph's house where the angel Gabriel appeared to him in a dream.VIEW MORE -
Golgotha, "Place of the Skull"
JUN 20, 2024The key locations for iBIBLE Life of Christ are now being designed and built using 3D software, and Golgotha, the hill outside of Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified, is among those significant places.VIEW MORE -
The Synagogue in Nazareth
JUN 13, 2024This week's behind-the-scenes glimpse into the making of iBIBLE draws from another developing scene from one of the upcoming iBIBLE Life of Christ episodes that will begin releasing later this year. Let's take a look at the interior of the synagogue in Jesus' hometown of Nazareth. This location is where Jesus read from the scroll of Isaiah, predicting the coming of the Messiah. After He read, Jesus sat down and said, "Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing" (Luke 4:17–21).VIEW MORE -
The 3D Manger Scene in Both Night and Day
JUN 06, 2024The manger scene has been depicted in various ways throughout history, oftentimes with Jesus, Joseph, and Mary taking shelter in a kind of stable. Most likely, however, they would have stayed in a cave-like opening. In today's behind-the-scenes look into iBIBLE, see the 3D renderings of the manger scene during both night and day.VIEW MORE -
The Temple in Jerusalem
MAY 30, 2024In today's look into the making of iBIBLE, see the temple in Jerusalem, the centerpiece of the city where thousands of people came to worship and offer sacrifices to God.VIEW MORE -
3D Prototypes of Characters from The Life of Christ
MAY 23, 2024Do you wonder what the different types of people will look like in iBIBLE Life of Christ? Last week looked at how the iBIBLE art team is building key Biblical locations using the new 3D animation style, and this week we take a look at "prototypes" for characters from iBIBLE Life of Christ. While these images aren't final yet, they offer a glimpse into how some of the people in iBIBLE will eventually look.VIEW MORE -
Zechariah in the Temple: A Glimpse into iBIBLE's New 3D Animation Style
MAY 16, 2024In today's behind-the-scenes glimpse into the creation of iBIBLE, see these vivid 3D scenes from iBIBLE Life of Christ: Gabriel Visits the Virgin Mary. The images below show Zechariah bringing incense into the temple.VIEW MORE -
Animating the Jordan River and Nazareth in 3D for iBIBLE Life of Christ
MAY 09, 2024Production for iBIBLE Life of Christ is currently underway! Biblical sites and key locations are now being built in the new 3D animation style. Today, see the stunningly lifelike depictions of the Jordan River and a view of Jesus' hometown of Nazareth. Building these key locations is a fundamental step in revealing a harmonized Gospel narrative.VIEW MORE -
The Voice Crying Out in the Wilderness
MAY 02, 2024In this week's behind-the-scenes glimpse into the making of iBIBLE, see the dramatic images of John the Baptist, drawn in iBIBLE's unique prophetic/dream style, from episode 2 of the iBIBLE New Testament series. Although RevelationMedia is moving to a new 3D style animation, the prophetic/dream style will still be featured in the iBIBLE New Testament episodes.VIEW MORE -
Capernaum in the Harmonized Gospels
APR 25, 2024Production for iBIBLE Life of Christ episodes is currently underway! While there are four Gospel accounts (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), the team is harmonizing these narratives into one cohesive story about the life of Jesus. This will allow iBIBLE to remain chronological while still relying strictly on the Bible.VIEW MORE -
The Creation of iBIBLE Storybook Timelines
APR 11, 2024If you own one of RevelationMedia's beautifully illustrated iBIBLE storybooks, you probably have seen the timelines included toward the end of each of them. The timeline helps you visualize the broader narrative of Scripture and makes it easy to remember important events in the Bible!VIEW MORE -
The Vision Behind the iBIBLE App Resources
APR 04, 2024For years, we have heard from parents and missionaries around the world that they need resources to teach the Bible. RevelationMedia has been answering this call with iBIBLE. Less than a week ago, we released the first installment of iBIBLE covering all of Genesis. This is just the beginning. Resources for episodes 1–20 are available in the App now, all for free. Resources for episodes 21–42 are currently being developed and will be added in the coming days.VIEW MORE -
The Banners of Israel
MAR 28, 2024This is the final behind-the-scenes sneak peek before the launch of all 42 episodes of iBIBLE Genesis on a brand-new interactive App! Very soon, you will be able to access all of iBIBLE Genesis and see all the behind-the-scenes material we've shown you over the past months come to life.VIEW MORE -
The Vivid Metaphors Jacob Used to Bless His Sons
MAR 21, 2024Last week, we looked at the surprising way Jacob blessed the sons of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh, by placing his right hand on the younger son's head and declaring that he would grow into the greater of the two. For this week's behind-the-scenes look into the making of iBIBLE, see the fascinating metaphors Jacob employed in the blessing of his own sons, and the creative use of a panorama the art team used to show the future of Israel.VIEW MORE -
Jacob Blesses Joseph's Sons
MAR 14, 2024Receiving a blessing from a father or elder was a significant moment in a man's life in the days of Genesis. Earlier in the Genesis narrative, Jacob pretended to be his older brother, Esau, in order to get the firstborn's blessing. In his old age, Jacob blessed the sons of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh, but did something quite unexpected. See this powerful and surprising scene brought to life in iBIBLE Genesis episode 40.VIEW MORE -
Joseph and the Egyptian Funeral Boat
MAR 07, 2024Last week, we looked at how Joseph appealed to the Egyptian method of burial in order to gain Pharaoh's permission to bury his father. But how did Joseph manage to get to the land of Canaan with his father's body?VIEW MORE -
Jacob's Death and Egyptian Burial Rites
FEB 29, 2024The making of iBIBLE goes beyond reading the text of Scripture and creating beautiful, compelling animations. It also involves exciting and fascinating research on archaeology and the historical context in which the events of the Bible took place.VIEW MORE -
Storing Food for the Famine
FEB 22, 2024The last couple of iBIBLE behind the scenes have dealt with Joseph's brothers coming and going from Egypt. But why did they have to visit Egypt in the first place? It was due to the widespread famine in the land. Because God showed Joseph the famine was imminent and put him in a place of authority, only Egypt was prepared.VIEW MORE -
Joseph's Brothers are Apprehended
FEB 15, 2024Today's behind-the-scenes look at an upcoming iBIBLE episode depicts Joseph's brothers being apprehended on their journey back home and being accused of stealing a silver cup from Joseph's house in Egypt. These images are from episode 37, one of episodes that will be released with final audio as a black-and-white episode of iBIBLE Genesis. The story is taken from Genesis 44.VIEW MORE -
The Return to Egypt
FEB 08, 2024During the famine, Egypt overflowed with an abundance of food because of the prophetic wisdom of Joseph, who, by God's power, understood Pharaoh's dreams about the impending famine. However, this meant that surrounding regions were struggling to survive, including the place where Jacob and his sons were living.VIEW MORE -
Joseph Thrown Into the Pit
FEB 01, 2024Today's behind-the-scenes sneak peek into an iBIBLE episode comes from iBIBLE Genesis episode 29. Taken from Genesis 37, this account details how Joseph, after sharing his dreams with his brothers that cause them to envy him, is thrown into a pit.VIEW MORE -
The Reunion of Joseph and Jacob
JAN 25, 2024For this week's look behind the scenes, we have another prerelease episode from iBIBLE Genesis: the reunion of Joseph and Jacob (Israel). This episode is one of the last episodes in iBIBLE Genesis and is taken from Genesis chapter 46. It will be one of the episodes being released in black and white as a prerelease, giving the completed story, soundtrack, and voices before full color is applied in the final episode.VIEW MORE -
The Lamentation of Jacob
JAN 18, 2024The RevelationMedia art team is in the process of finishing up iBIBLE Genesis! This week's behind-the-scenes features episode 35, taken from Genesis chapter 42.VIEW MORE -
Jesus in Swaddling Clothes
JAN 11, 2024The RevelationMedia art team has started production on The Life of Christ, which will cover the story of Jesus's earthly life and ministry! It will be developed alongside the Old Testament iBIBLE episodes. In this week's behind-the-scenes, see shepherds respond to the news of Christ's coming and the newborn child wrapped in swaddling clothes in the manger.VIEW MORE -
Interpreter of Dreams
JAN 04, 2024Do you ever wonder what takes place between the blank page and the beautiful black and white artwork that you see in an iBIBLE episode? Scene direction, character actions, movement, placement of props, animals, and lighting are all determined in an iBIBLE episode before artists create the detailed scenes that you see. The following sneak-peek into an upcoming episode of iBIBLE Genesis is taken from iBIBLE Episode 32 and the Bible reference is Genesis chapter 40.VIEW MORE -
Joseph's Success in Egypt
DEC 28, 2023For this week's behind-the-scenes look into the making of an iBIBLE episode, witness the dramatic transformation of Joseph from a lowly slave to a successful man in Egypt. This is taken from iBIBLE Episode 31, based on Genesis chapters 37 and 39.VIEW MORE -
From Microspreads to Grayscale
NOV 30, 2023The process of bringing God's Divine Narrative to life is complex. From the scripting of iBIBLE to the completed episode that you can view online and share with friends and family, there are many stages that iBIBLE art must go through before it is finished. Join us on a visual journey through the production of iBIBLE from microspreads to grayscale today and see a glimpse into this process.VIEW MORE -
Two Nations in the Womb
NOV 16, 2023This week's behind-the-scenes look into an iBIBLE episode comes from Episode 20 of iBIBLE Genesis. Here, we see the birth and development of Jacob and Esau, the twin brothers and sons of Isaac and Rebekah. The first snapshot shows Jacob and Esau as unborn babies, referencing when God spoke to Rebekah,VIEW MORE -
The Integrity of Joseph
NOV 09, 2023For this week's behind-the-scenes look into the production of iBIBLE, we take a look at some artwork featuring Joseph in the palaces of Egypt from Episode 31 of iBIBLE Genesis. Taken from Genesis 39 in which Joseph is given charge over Pharoah's house, these snapshots capture both Joseph's stature as a leader and his consistent attempts to avoid Potiphar's wife.VIEW MORE -
The Lion of Judah
NOV 02, 2023Judah, a son of Jacob and brother to Joseph, was called a "lion's cub" during his father's final blessing in Genesis 49. Go behind the scenes with us and take a look at some exciting new artwork featuring the Lion of Judah.VIEW MORE -
The Angel of the Lord Meets Hagar by the Water
OCT 26, 2023This week's sneak peek into iBIBLE comes from Genesis 16 when Hagar flees into the wilderness to escape Sarai, her mistress. Step behind the scenes of iBIBLE and look at some of the beautiful artwork used in iBIBLE Episode 11: The Birth of Ishmael.VIEW MORE -
Judah's Sacrifice
OCT 19, 2023In Genesis chapter 44, we read an account of Joseph's brothers leaving Egypt with many bags of grain so that they could survive the famine in their homeland. Little did they know that Joseph slipped a silver cup into the bag of Benjamin, the youngest brother. After the trap was set, Joseph ordered his steward to go out to intercept them on the journey home. Step behind the scenes of iBIBLE to see how this pursuit and an unexpected intercession unfolded.VIEW MORE -
A Handsome Man
OCT 12, 2023Most often iBIBLE artists rely on historical information, found outside of Scripture itself, to direct a character's appearance. Joseph the son of Jacob is an exception. Take a look with us in this Behind the Scenes at how Biblical descriptions show what Joseph looked like, and how his appearance affected his story.VIEW MORE -
A Decree Went Out
OCT 05, 2023God used a decree from Caesar Augustus to bring Mary and Joseph to the town of Bethlehem. But before they could hear this decree in the Galilean city of Nazareth, it had to travel all the way from Caesar Augustus in Rome. Step behind the scenes of iBIBLE The Life of Christ to see how the transmitting of this decree is illustrated.VIEW MORE -
Character Consistency
SEP 28, 2023Across the whole Bible, there are over 3,200 distinct people represented. With so many characters in God's story to portray, iBIBLE is careful to illustrate each one differently to avoid confusion. Step behind the scenes of iBIBLE production to see how character sheets help organize this task.VIEW MORE -
Connecting Prayer Throughout the Bible
SEP 21, 2023We have recently released a special episode of iBIBLE that features prayer across the Bible. This special episode is unique to iBIBLE, as it features one subject rather than a chronological telling of one piece of the Biblical Narrative.VIEW MORE -
The iBIBLE Art Team Is Growing!
SEP 14, 2023We are excited to announce that we have partnered with a company in India to work on art and animation for the iBIBLE The Life of Christ episodes! Step behind the scenes to see stunning in-process artwork and learn more about this exciting partnership.VIEW MORE -
From Elizabeth to Mary
SEP 07, 2023Luke 1 contains the true story of two miraculous promises from God to two women—Elizabeth and Mary. The first episode of iBIBLE featuring New Testament stories is titled The Annunciation, and uses a new technique to transition between the stories of these two cousins. Take a look behind the scenes as we see how this technique is used.VIEW MORE -
Jesus's Power Over Demons
AUG 31, 2023During His earthly life, Jesus showed His power over the forces of evil by healing people from the possession of demons. In the iBIBLE Salvation episode, Jesus is shown casting out demons, not for the purpose of glorifying or illustrating these beings, but for the purpose of showing Christ's Divine power.VIEW MORE -
Rebekah's Jewelry
AUG 24, 2023The art of jewelry making has been around for thousands of years. In iBIBLE Episode 18, Abraham's servant gives beautiful, gold jewelry to Rebekah at the well of Haran. Look behind the scenes of iBIBLE at the gifts that paved the way for Isaac and Rebekah's marriage.VIEW MORE -
A Grateful Crowd
AUG 17, 2023During Jesus's earthly life, He ministered to the poor, the sick, the young, and the old. Take a look behind the scenes at the iBIBLE Salvation episode, where this gallery of broken people healed by Christ greet Him.VIEW MORE -
The Land of the Promise
AUG 10, 2023Throughout Genesis, God repeatedly promised the land of Canaan to Abraham and his descendants to be their everlasting possession. Step behind the scenes and follow us on a journey through the iBIBLE Genesis script to show how each of these promises are included to display the one, continued promise of God to Abraham.VIEW MORE -
Nailed to a Cross
AUG 03, 2023The saving work of Christ was accomplished through His suffering and death on the cross. Historical accuracy in the details of the Crucifixion is important to help us understand the sacrifice He made for our sins. Go behind-the-scenes of the iBIBLE Salvation episode as we take a look at the illustration of the nails as they were driven into Jesus's hands.VIEW MORE -
From Salem to the World
JUL 27, 2023One of the ways that vision style—a two-toned sepia palette—is used in iBIBLE is to show God making a covenant or promise that goes beyond what is happening in that moment. In today's Behind the Scenes, see God's promise to Abraham on Mount Moriah.VIEW MORE -
The Temple Adornments
JUL 20, 2023iBIBLE has the incredible opportunity to illustrate Biblical, historical places and help bring them to life within the context of the Divine narrative. Take a behind-the-scenes look at new Black & White scenes from the iBIBLE New Testament as Zechariah entered the temple and burned incense.VIEW MORE -
The Well of Haran
JUL 13, 2023Places where people gather and drink water have long been locations of importance. Take a look with us at new background images from iBIBLE Episode 18 of the well of Haran, where Abraham's trusted servant met Rebekah.VIEW MORE -
Sarai's Introduction
JUN 29, 2023In iBIBLE Genesis, we meet Sarai, who is later renamed Sarah by God. Her appearance helps us understand her story and who she was. Step behind-the-scenes to see how the introduction of Sarai in iBIBLE Episode 8 is illustrated.VIEW MORE -
The Crown of Thorns
JUN 22, 2023Before His crucifixion, a crown of thorns was placed on Jesus to mock Him, but His suffering and sacrifice was in preparation for His coming Kingdom. See the progression of new art of Jesus's crucifixion from the iBIBLE Salvation episode!VIEW MORE -
iBIBLE Genesis: Full Steam Ahead!
JUN 15, 2023With the completion and publication of the iBIBLE Genesis script, the sprint toward finishing Genesis has begun! Step behind the scenes to see new images from the production of the Genesis narrative.VIEW MORE -
Tension Between Two Sons
JUN 08, 2023Genesis 21 provides us with the stories of the birth of Isaac and God's protection of Hagar and Ishmael in the wilderness. In-between these stories, an event occurs that causes the separation of the two sons of Abraham—Ishmael mocking Isaac. Take a look behind-the-scenes to see how the "mocking" of Isaac was illustrated in Episode 16 of iBIBLE.VIEW MORE -
Epic Scenes: Pentecost
JUN 01, 2023This past Sunday, May 28th, many churches celebrated Pentecost and the filling of the early believers with the Holy Spirit! In this iBIBLE Behind the Scenes, see vivid new art portraying this awe-inspiring event.VIEW MORE -
Beautiful iBIBLE Backgrounds
MAY 25, 2023Last year, we showed how creating a digital library of pre-drawn elements can help speed up the production of iBIBLE. In this behind-the-scenes email, we invite you to take a sneak peek at this growing asset library and see one of the first scenes where this resource is being used!VIEW MORE -
"Crucify Him, Crucify Him!"
MAY 18, 2023In one of the most grim scenes in history, a crowd cried for the death of their Messiah. Step behind the scenes of the iBIBLE Salvation episode as we look at the scene of Pilate presenting Jesus and Barabbas to a crowd that would decide which of them to set free.VIEW MORE -
Epic Scenes: The Woman of Babylon
MAY 04, 2023The book of Revelation is filled with vivid imagery! In this Behind the Scenes, take a look with us at the epic iBIBLE scene of John's vision in Revelation 17 of the woman and the beast.VIEW MORE -
The People's Rejection of Christ
APR 27, 2023One of the strongest visual opposites is light and dark. See how lighting techniques are used in the upcoming iBIBLE Salvation episode to enhance the viewers' understanding of Christ's ministry and His rejection by the world.VIEW MORE -
The Passing of Time
APR 20, 2023When illustrating iBIBLE, the artists use different techniques to help visually show time passing. In today's behind-the-scenes look at iBIBLE, the growth of the tamarisk tree of Abraham is used to show a gap of time in his story.VIEW MORE -
3D Images in the Creation of iBIBLE
APR 13, 2023As iBIBLE New Testament episodes are being illustrated, new techniques have been created to improve the detail in each shot. Take a behind-the-scenes sneak peek at a new technique with these brand new shots of Zechariah and Elizabeth!VIEW MORE -
Epic Scenes: The Crucifixion
APR 06, 2023During Holy Week, we remember the sacrifice and rejoice in the victory of Christ over sin, hell, and the grave! We are excited to show you an epic scene from the iBIBLE Life of Christ—the Crucifixion.VIEW MORE -
Luke, the Beloved Physician
MAR 30, 2023Last week, we peeked behind-the-scenes at John writing his Gospel in Ephesus. This week, we are excited to show you brand-new iBIBLE art from Episode 1 of the New Testament! This time, the sneak peek is of another Gospel writer—Luke, the beloved physician.VIEW MORE -
John, the Beloved Disciple
MAR 23, 2023Step behind the scenes to see the first iBIBLE look of the beloved disciple, John. In the beginning of the iBIBLE New Testament, John is introduced, writing his Gospel. See new art from Episode 1 of the iBIBLE New Testament.VIEW MORE -
Vision Style
MAR 16, 2023At the center of iBIBLE is vivid, beautifully colored art that tells the story of Scripture. Within iBIBLE there are moments that lend to an approach that stands out from the vibrancy of the key animation style. Take a look behind-the-scenes with us at this visual technique used throughout iBIBLE—Vision Style.VIEW MORE -
The Faith of Friends
MAR 09, 2023The faith of the people you surround yourself with matters. In this weeks' Behind the Scenes, look with us at new art from an upcoming iBIBLE episode highlighting Christ's healing of a paralyzed man.VIEW MORE -
Epic Scenes: Gabriel Appears to Mary
MAR 02, 2023After years of waiting for a Savior, a very special message came to a young lady in Jerusalem. Take a look behind-the-scenes with us at an upcoming episode of iBIBLE. In this epic scene, Gabriel appears to Mary.VIEW MORE -
A Terror from God
FEB 23, 2023See a new scene from the upcoming Episode 23 of iBIBLE—The Attack on Dinah. Take a look with us behind-the-scenes at one particular scene from this episode. See how the video illustrates the terror from God, which fell on the cities surrounding Jacob and his family as they travelledVIEW MORE -
Abraham's Fire Pot
FEB 16, 2023In a time with no matches, lighters, or kindling wood, see how Abraham most likely "carried the fire" to offer Isaac as a sacrifice to the Lord. Enjoy this new behind-the scenes shot from Episode 14 of iBIBLE—Abraham's Test.VIEW MORE -
Isaiah's Tapestry
FEB 09, 2023In creating iBIBLE, research is important for each shot—even down to what is hanging in the background! See what all goes into the iBIBLE episodes by taking a look with us at the research done into the tapestry in Isaiah's house.VIEW MORE -
Epic Scenes: She Is My Sister
FEB 02, 2023When we think of plagues in Egypt, the first Bible story that might come to mind is the story of Moses and the ten plagues—but there are plagues sent to Egypt that were recorded even before! Enjoy this look at the epic scene from Episode 7 of iBIBLE.VIEW MORE -
The Tomb of Jesus
JAN 26, 2023As our iBIBLE artists create the scenes and settings for the stories of Scripture, great care is taken that the scenes match the details provided in the Bible. The context of the time period is then used to support the Biblical details. Take an early look today at how the setting and details for the tomb of Jesus were created for iBIBLE.VIEW MORE -
The Baptism of Jesus
JAN 19, 2023Right at the beginning of Jesus's ministry, we find in the Scriptures the beautiful scene of Jesus's baptism. Look with us at new iBIBLE concept art for the baptism of Jesus. This art is currently in the planning stages of the design, and it gives you an inside look at the process behind creating iBIBLE!VIEW MORE -
A Promise Fulfilled!
JAN 12, 2023As the production of iBIBLE continues through the chapters of Genesis, we are excited to share with you brand new concept art from the fulfillment of a promise—the birth of Isaac! Come along as we explore how these images from Chapter 13 of iBIBLE express the importance of this special scene.VIEW MORE -
Epic Scenes: Jesus Walks on Water
JAN 05, 2023We are thrilled to have our iBIBLE artists begin working on the New Testament in this new year. Today, let's take a look together at a previously-created concept image from the iBIBLE New Testament: Jesus Walks on Water.VIEW MORE -
Celebrating the Progress On iBIBLE In 2022
DEC 29, 2022As we approach the new year, take a look back with us on all the growth that the Lord has blessed iBIBLE with in 2022. During this year, we were able to set up the team in Greece who began to produce Black & Whites alongside the full episodes from the team in Costa Rica. We completed the second volume of the iBIBLE Storybook series and finished the first draft of the Genesis script. We also received funding for the first installment of the New Testament iBIBLE episodes, which our teams will begin working on in 2023.VIEW MORE -
The Nativity
DEC 22, 2022As we approach Christmas and prepare to celebrate the birth of our Lord, it's the perfect time to discuss the epic scene of the Nativity! Take a look below at sample art from the New Testament Nativity story.VIEW MORE -
Winners of the iBIBLE Art Vote
DEC 08, 2022Last week, we invited you to participate in a vote on the new iBIBLE art from the call of Abram in Chapter 7. This has been a fun way to show you the great work that the art and animation team has been doing recently. We also wanted to highlight the line artist and colorist who put together the winning image.VIEW MORE -
Vote for Your Favorite iBIBLE Abram Image!
DEC 01, 2022This week, we are excited to share with you new art from the first chapter of the life of Abram shown in Chapter 7 of iBIBLE! And now, you can vote on which image is your favorite.VIEW MORE -
Landscape Images
NOV 17, 2022Just how much information can you fit in a single camera shot? More than you might think. When there is a large amount of information to share within a single scene of iBIBLE, we leverage landscape images to help the viewer process a lot information within just a few seconds of animation.VIEW MORE -
How Many Pieces of Art?
NOV 10, 2022How many pieces of artwork does it take to create a visual Bible for the world? Would you guess 3,000? 30,000? How about 300,000?!VIEW MORE -
Epic Scenes: Jonah and the Big Fish
NOV 03, 2022As we make our way through the epic scenes in the Bible, we come to a dramatic moment that's known by children and adults alike: Jonah and the big fish!VIEW MORE -
3D Library
OCT 27, 2022As we work to create the world's first presentation of God's Divine narrative, we continue to find ways to maximize the quality of the animation and make best use of the funds available to create iBIBLE. Today, let's take a look at one of the newest tools that the iBIBLE team is developing for use in iBIBLE: a library of 3D elements.VIEW MORE -
Jesus and the Woman at the Well
OCT 20, 2022As we look forward to animating later chapters and scenes in iBIBLE, the first ever complete presentation of the narrative of Scripture, we are excited to share with you concept art from a pivotal New Testament scene: when Jesus speaks to the woman at the well.VIEW MORE -
New Genealogy Style
OCT 13, 2022So far, in animating the book of Genesis, we have created several genealogies. From Adam to Noah, then on through Nimrod, we have revealed the lineages through short "burst shots." Today, we are excited to show you a new style of genealogy that we will be using in future iBIBLE episodes.VIEW MORE -
David & Goliath
OCT 06, 2022There are many epic scenes throughout the Bible that capture our attention, and many of them are in Genesis. When Adam and Eve took that first bite of the forbidden fruit, when Noah built the ark, and when the tower of Babel was built are just a few examples. While the iBIBLE team is currently animating the book of Genesis, there are some scenes later in Scripture that we are excited to bring to life.VIEW MORE -
Animating the Nile River
SEP 29, 2022Recently, we shared a "Behind the Scenes" email with you about enhancements to the animation of smoke and fire as they appear in iBIBLE. Today, we are pleased to share with you another area in which iBIBLE animation has taken a leap forward: the animation of water.VIEW MORE -
"Here I Am"
SEP 22, 2022The journey of scriptwriting for iBIBLE continues as the team works our way through the book of Genesis. As scripts are written and weighed against key Bible translations, there are times when the various translations of Scripture present different wordings. Ensuring the accuracy of every word and phrase in iBIBLE is incredibly important, so when the translations differ, our team of researchers must dive deeper into the meaning of the text. And, as you will see, this leads us back to the original text. Today we look at a recent example from the script of Abraham's story.VIEW MORE -
iBIBLE Teaser Now Released
SEP 15, 2022Today, we are excited to share with you a brand new iBIBLE teaser video which highlights iconic moments from the narrative of Scripture. While a majority of our creative energy is going into the creation of Genesis, we are also looking forward to animating later chapters, characters, and events of the Biblical narrative.VIEW MORE -
Portable Recording Studios
SEP 08, 2022iBIBLE brings the Word of God to the ends of the earth through translation and FREE distribution. With vibrant animation, on-screen text, and dramatic audio, iBIBLE makes the Divine narrative accessible to those who cannot read, and to those whose language is unwritten or primarily spoken.VIEW MORE -
Isaiah's Prophecy Fulfilled in Christ
SEP 01, 2022Last week, we shared a behind-the-scenes look at the Septuagint and why it is such a powerful tool in the creation of iBIBLE. If you missed that email, you can read it here. Today, we will explore how the Septuagint confirms the prophetic nature of Scripture, underscoring the importance of the Divine narrative!VIEW MORE -
The Septuagint
AUG 25, 2022iBIBLE scripts are created using only the Bible as its source, so it is incredibly important that we use only the best materials possible. The process for selecting the best wording begins by gathering several versions of Scripture for comparison. One key tool that we use regularly is the Septuagint. Today, let's take a look at the Septuagint and why it is such a powerful resource for us as we create iBIBLE scripts, especially as we look forward to the creation of the iBIBLE New Testament.VIEW MORE -
The Covenant of Circumcision
AUG 18, 2022Last week's iBIBLE Behind the Scenes showed brand new animatic images from Chapter 9 of iBIBLE. Those images focused on the beginning of Chapter 9. This week, let's take a look at the end of Chapter 9 when the Lord changes Abram's name and instructs him about the covenant of circumcision.VIEW MORE -
Animatics Update Chapter 9
AUG 11, 2022Animatics for chapters 9 and 10 of iBIBLE are underway, bridging the gap between script writing and animation. Today, we want to share with you exciting progress from our new animatics team in Greece as they work on Chapter 9. Back in May, we sent an iBIBLE Behind-the-Scenes update on Chapter 9 featuring earlier rough sketches of the scenes below.VIEW MORE -
iBIBLE Goes to Sing! Global 2022
AUG 04, 2022We are excited to share that iBIBLE is being featured at Sing! Global 2022. This conference, put on by Keith and Kristyn Getty, features dozens of speakers, preachers, and musicians to help equip Christians with a deeper understanding of worship. The Getty Music Worship Conference, hosted in Nashville at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel on September 5–7, is three days of prayer, worship, and teaching with thousands of Christians from all over the world.VIEW MORE -
Epic Bible Scenes
JUL 28, 2022We have recently been creating iBIBLE images from epic Bible stories from throughout Scripture, and today we are thrilled to show you some of these new, visually stunning images. We will share more of these with you in the coming weeks as well. We hope you enjoy!VIEW MORE -
Wells in the Wilderness
JUL 21, 2022Today, we are excited to share with you some brand new images from iBIBLE Chapter 14: Jacob and Esau. The narrative about Jacob and Esau is relatively well-known, with the twins being born and Jacob stealing Esau's birthright. However, Isaac's struggle in the wilderness later to find water and his conflicts with people in the area is a piece of the narrative that is not often included in the telling of this story.VIEW MORE -
Winners of the iBIBLE Art Vote
JUL 14, 2022Last week, we invited you to participate in a vote for the best brand new iBIBLE art from Chapter 20: Joseph's Dreams. This has been a fun way to highlight the great work that the art and animation team has been doing recently. The artists responsible for the line art and the coloring will both receive a gift card for winning the vote!VIEW MORE -
Vote on Your Favorite New iBIBLE Image
JUL 07, 2022This week, we are thrilled to share some brand-new art from the first chapter of the life of Joseph shown in iBIBLE Chapter 20. And you have an opportunity to vote on your favorite! Each image reveals a piece of Joseph's story, beginning with his father preparing him a beautiful coat of many colors, and ending with that very coat being returned to Jacob by Joseph's brothers, torn and bloody.VIEW MORE -
The Language of the Middle East
JUN 30, 2022The first six chapters of iBIBLE reveal the beginnings of the one Divine narrative of Scripture starting with Creation, then the fall of humanity, Cain and Abel, the Great Flood, and the tower of Babel. These powerful chapters use the words of Scripture and beautiful animation to help people from all over the world engage with God's Word.VIEW MORE -
New Fire
JUN 23, 2022Over the last few years, the skills of the iBIBLE animators have grown and the art and animation of iBIBLE continues to advance along with them, bringing a higher quality animation to our children and people around the world. Take a look with us at the tools and techniques behind the animation of smoke and fire in iBIBLE.VIEW MORE -
Never-Before-Seen iBible Art
JUN 16, 2022This week, we want to take time to share with you the art that has been created over the past two months for iBIBLE. As we prepare to release more episodes in the Jacob story arc, more images are being finalized.VIEW MORE -
Research on the Joseph Story Arc
JUN 09, 2022The iBIBLE team of artists will soon begin creating sketches for Joseph's story arc (iBIBLE Chapters 20–26) which will put us right in the middle of archaeological Egypt. Today, we will take a look at the preparations that have gone into this next big phase of iBIBLE.VIEW MORE -
Announcing Chapter 17: Jacob to Israel
JUN 02, 2022It is our pleasure to announce that we have completed Chapter 17 of iBIBLE! The entire story of Jacob spans chapters 14–19 of iBIBLE and they are all in the final stages of production. Watch as these chapters will be released throughout the summer and fall.VIEW MORE -
Animatics from Greece
MAY 26, 2022The iBIBLE team in Greece is growing, and new animatics are underway. Today, we are going to show you some of the exciting art coming from our newest iBIBLE team. Several animatics are in process, bridging the gap between script writing and animation. Here is a peek into the process of creating animatics.VIEW MORE -
A Behind-the-Scenes: Memory Verses
MAY 19, 2022iBIBLE brings God's Divine narrative to life through dynamic animation and a script based solely on the Biblical text. As iBIBLE brings the story of Scripture to people from all over the world, it can change hearts and minds. God's Word is incredibly powerful when we know it and commit it to memory. For this reason, iBIBLE includes memory verses taken directly from Scripture at the end of every chapter. These verses are carefully chosen, and when completed, they will weave together to cover the full story of the Bible. Let's look at this process today.VIEW MORE -
Producing a Visual Timeline for Chapters 4–6
MAY 12, 2022Throughout the production of iBIBLE, we will be creating timelines to help paint a visual picture of what order the events of the Bible took place in. Let's take a look at the creation of the timeline for chapters 4–6 of iBIBLE.VIEW MORE -
New iBIBLE Art: The Beginning of Joseph's Story
MAY 05, 2022The iBIBLE line artists have finished their work on the Jacob arc and have moved on to Joseph's story. Today, we are excited to give you a glimpse into the creation of iBIBLE Chapter 20 which begins the well-known story of Joseph. We are thrilled to share with you early work on the art for this beloved story from Genesis.VIEW MORE -
The Impact of Musical Scoring
APR 28, 2022As the iBIBLE chapters featuring Jacob's story continue to be created, we have reached a new exciting milestone in the process: the implementation of musical scoring. Today, we want to share a sample with you so that you can see the impact that quality scoring has on iBIBLE.VIEW MORE -
Pre-Production 3D Modeling
APR 21, 2022As the pre-production elements near completion for the remaining Genesis chapters of iBIBLE, the pre-production team is turning their eyes to what's next: the book of Exodus!VIEW MORE -
Egyptian Arabic and Upper Egyptian
APR 07, 2022We are working diligently to get the story of the Bible out to every part of the world in languages that people from all over can understand. To accomplish this goal, we have already begun translating the first six episodes of iBIBLE into 20 initial languages.VIEW MORE -
Voice Recording
MAR 31, 2022In last week's Behind the Scenes email, we looked at the progress toward finishing the Jacob story arc and the post-production processes that have begun. Now that recording is underway, we want to pull back the curtain and show you a little more about voice recordings for each episode, using Esau as an example.VIEW MORE -
Jacob's Story Arc
MAR 17, 2022As we work to bring all 26 iBIBLE chapters of Genesis to completion, we have identified several story arcs. A story arc is the path that a story follows from beginning, to middle, to end. Within the one grand narrative of Scripture, there are many story arcs. Each one works together and tells the one Divine narrative, the story of God's plan of redemption.VIEW MORE -
Illustrating God
MAR 10, 2022As we bring the first visual and interactive Bible to the whole world, we have an opportunity to share who God is with people who have never heard. With a visual Bible comes an interesting question: How do we illustrate our Creator? Scripture is clear about two things: 1: No man has seen God at any time and lived: "But" [God] said, "you cannot see my face, for man shall not see me and live." —Exodus 33:20 [ESV] 2: Yet, God has revealed Himself to many people in the Bible in many forms. For example, He appeared to Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden: And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden. —Genesis 3:8VIEW MORE -
Take a Look at The Current Production Status for iBIBLE Genesis Chapters
MAR 04, 2022Scroll through to see the most recent updates about each iBIBLE chapter based on the book of Genesis. You will see not only the content that each chapter will cover, but you will also get to see a preview of new iBIBLE artwork and an overview of production status. Please enjoy, and continue to pray with us as we complete this God-sized task of bringing the world's first visual and interactive presentation of the Divine narrative to the world!VIEW MORE -
A Chronological Approach to the New Testament
MAR 03, 2022As you have walked with us through the creation of iBIBLE so far, we have mainly journeyed through the creation of the Old Testament portion of the Divine narrative. Today, we are pulling back the curtains to give you a first look at the process of putting the New Testament into chronological order for iBIBLE. While we are not yet creating New Testament chapters, it is important to prepare an outline of the entire Divine narrative.VIEW MORE -
The Stone Pillow
FEB 24, 2022In last week's email, we shared brand new images from the iBIBLE Chapter 7 animatic. In looking at those images, you may have noticed the odd shape of Abram's pillow as he sat up in bed and received God's call. Join us today as we take a deeper look at this image and some of the interesting things we have learned in the process of creating the first ever complete presentation of God's Divine narrative with iBIBLE.VIEW MORE -
Update on iBIBLE Chapter 7
FEB 17, 2022We are pleased today to update you on the progress of the next episode of iBIBLE: Abram (Part 1): The Call of Abram. The new animatics team continues to undergo training, and we are excited about the quality of art that is being produced by them. Please enjoy this exclusive sneak peek of art from the upcoming iBIBLE Chapter 7 animatic.VIEW MORE -
Five New Pieces of iBIBLE Storybook Art
FEB 03, 2022The grand narrative of Scripture continues in storybook form as the iBIBLE Storybook, Volume 2 is underway. From Noah building the ark to the Great Flood to the Tower of Babel, Volume 2 uses the same Bible-based script to reveal God's Word. As we work toward finishing the second iBIBLE Storybook volume, we invite you to take a sneak peek at five never-before-seen images. Featuring images based on the beautiful art found in iBIBLE, the iBIBLE Storybook series is yet another way to help the next generation and the unreached engage with God's Divine narrative.VIEW MORE -
Rachel Weeps for Bethlehem
JAN 27, 2022The Bible reveals the one true story of God's will and work, starting from the very beginning in Genesis and ending with the final Revelation. We want to keep the whole Divine narrative in view as we write, produce, and translate iBIBLE episodes. Today, we invite you to take a behind-the-scenes look at how we visually connected an Old Testament passage with the New Testament as an example of how the entire Biblical narrative comes together in iBIBLE.VIEW MORE -
Five New Pieces of iBIBLE Art
JAN 20, 2022As our artists continue to work on new chapters of iBIBLE, new artwork is being finalized. Today, we invite you to check out five new pieces of iBIBLE art that have not yet been released. As you can see, there is a lot to look forward to with upcoming chapters: new characters, new landscapes, and even a war!VIEW MORE -
5 Key Prayer Requests for 2022
JAN 13, 2022Happy New Year! We have so much to be thankful for as we look back on God's work in and through iBIBLE in 2021. 2021 was an especially exciting year because we released the first seven chapters of iBIBLE: the initial six chapters of Genesis, and the fist chapter of Job's story.VIEW MORE -
A Closer Look At Hejazi Arabic
JAN 06, 2022As members of the RevelationMedia family, you are instrumental in helping to bring the one story of Scripture to all tribes, tongues, and nations. You have seen iBIBLE spreading among the English-speaking community, and you have likely seen your kids or grandkids engaging with the Bible as Genesis episodes of iBIBLE have started being released.VIEW MORE -
Watch the Newest Chapter! Job (Part 1): Tribulation
NOV 11, 2021Today, we want to thank you for all of your prayers, and your financial gifts that have made iBIBLE possible. Because of the faithful support of friends like you, we are able to continue our work in researching, scripting, drafting, designing, and producing new chapters of the first ever visual narrative presentation of the entire Bible: iBIBLE.VIEW MORE -
Abram Looks Out Over the Promised Land: Winner of the iBIBLE Colored Art Contest
NOV 04, 2021Last week, we invited you to participate in a vote for the best iBIBLE colored image that our art and animation team created this past month. The winner of this vote will receive a prize. It is a fun way to celebrate the stunning artwork that our Costa Rica team has been creating, and to thank them for their hard work. It is our pleasure to announce the winner of last week's vote and to introduce you to the artists who created it. The winner, with 38% of the vote, is this beautiful image of Abram looking out over the Promised Land.VIEW MORE -
Before and After: The Book of Job
OCT 21, 2021Several years ago, RevelationMedia created a version of Job's story for The Animated Bible Series on DVD. We are thrilled to show you the transformation that this animation has gone through as we update it for iBIBLE. As we work through the process of dating and producing the content and art for these passages of Scripture, you won't have to wait long to see the first Job chapter of iBIBLE, Job (Part 1): Tribulation, because it will be released in the next few weeks!VIEW MORE -
Bringing Light to Dark Places
OCT 14, 2021With the Farsi translation of the first six chapters of iBIBLE now completed and posted on YouTube, a critical part of the iBIBLE mission is underway. This is only the beginning of an exciting journey that the story of Scripture will embark on in this language and many more languages to come as iBIBLE spreads across the world into dark places and meets souls hungry for truth.VIEW MORE -
iBIBLE Trailers
OCT 07, 2021RevelationMedia has been given the opportunity to place iBIBLE trailers before an upcoming feature film. We are thrilled to share iBIBLE with theatergoers, so we created six trailers—one for each of the completed episodes of iBIBLE so far. We are excited to share these trailers with you today!VIEW MORE -
iBIBLE Production Part 11: Share God's Word with Others
SEP 30, 2021iBIBLE is the world's first animated presentation of the entire story of Scripture. With vibrant animation, interactive elements, and a plan to translate the finished product into the 7,000+ languages of the world, iBIBLE will reach the nations with God's Word.VIEW MORE -
iBIBLE Production Part 10: Turning iBIBLE Into a Book
SEP 23, 2021Over past weeks, we have explored the various steps that go into each episode of iBIBLE. Today, we will look at what happens after we have a completed episode in English. As we seek to bring God's Word to the whole world, we do so by using a number of different methods, the newest of which is the iBIBLE Storybook series.VIEW MORE -
iBIBLE Production Part 9: Translation
SEP 16, 2021As we have looked at the creation of iBIBLE over the past weeks, we have explored the incredible detail that goes into research, artwork, and animation. After finishing the interactive elements of a chapter of iBIBLE, it is finally complete!VIEW MORE -
iBIBLE Production Part 8: Turning iBIBLE into an Interactive Book
SEP 09, 2021From initial research to line art to special effects, each and every step of the iBIBLE creation process is done with meticulous precision and is covered in prayer. Bringing the entire Divine narrative to life is a huge task, and we are called by Jesus to bring His Word to the world (Matthew 28:19). How does iBIBLE do this? Through making the one true narrative of Scripture not only Biblically accurate and visually beautiful, but also interactive.VIEW MORE -
iBIBLE Production Part 7: Special Effects
SEP 02, 2021Last week, we looked at at the animation step of the iBIBLE creation process, and discussed how using motion comic animation brings iBIBLE to life in a unique and beautiful way. Today, we will explore the next step in the process: adding special effects.VIEW MORE -
iBIBLE Production Part 6: Motion Comic and Digital Animation
AUG 27, 2021Over the course of previous weeks, we have explored the various steps that go into the creation of a chapter of iBIBLE: how we make the script, what goes into the research process, which Bible translations are used, how storyboards and animatics are created, the process of finalizing character sheets, detailed sketches, and colored artwork. This week, we will discuss the next step: bringing scenes to life through motion comic and digital animation.VIEW MORE -
iBIBLE Production Part 5: Colored Art
AUG 19, 2021Last week, we finished exploring the pre-production process of iBIBLE by looking at the steps involved in the creation of an animatic. We discussed setting the tone and mood of each verse of the Bible, along with the rough animations that make up an animatic, but what comes next? How do we move from a basic outline of a scene to a detailed, vivid illustration that is characteristic of iBIBLE?VIEW MORE -
iBIBLE Production Part 4: Storyboards and Animatics
AUG 12, 2021Over the last three weeks of iBIBLE "Behind the Scenes," we have explored the two earliest pieces of the preproduction process: research (including both historical and archaeological findings) and assembling the script. Today, we explore the next step in the process which includes all of the pieces that go into creating the storyboard and animatic.VIEW MORE -
iBIBLE Production Part 3: Scripting
AUG 05, 2021Some of the most common questions we are asked about the process of creating iBIBLE have to do with how we write the scripts. Does iBIBLE use a particular Bible version? How do we incorporate cultural relevance and theology? Is iBIBLE in chronological order? Today we take a look at our script process and answer these common questions…VIEW MORE -
iBIBLE Production Part 2: Archaeological Research
JUL 29, 2021Last week, we took a behind-the-scenes look at the research that goes into creating the script for an episode of iBIBLE. Our team is currently researching the book of Exodus, and we invited you to look with us at the Biblical evidence behind the dating of this epic Bible story.VIEW MORE -
iBIBLE Production Part 1: Research
JUL 23, 2021Over the next several weeks, we are going to lead you through the production of iBIBLE and show you what steps go into bringing the Biblical narrative to life. This week, we will look at where it all begins: research.VIEW MORE -
Dinah Part 5: Come Out From Among Them
JUL 16, 2021The patriarch Jacob was in a precarious situation. In response to Shechem violating his daughter, Dinah, his sons plundered a city and killed all of the men. Although his daughter was delivered safely home, Jacob was concerned that the violent actions of his sons would cause the end of his tribe:VIEW MORE -
Dinah Part 4: Rescue and Revenge
JUL 09, 2021Last week, we saw Hamor and his son Shechem enter into negations with Jacob and his sons. Shechem, the prince of the city bearing his name, had defiled Jacob's daughter Dinah, and then decided he wanted her to be his wife. Jacob's sons communicated a deal with Shechem: if every male in all of the city of Shechem was circumcised, then he could marry their sister. Following this stipulation, Shechem went straight to the city gate to speak to the men of his city, hoping to persuade them that being circumcised would be to their advantage:VIEW MORE -
Dinah Part 3: Good Faith Negotiations?
JUL 02, 2021Hamor, the ruler of the city of Shechem, had a problem. His son Shechem took Dinah, the daughter of the peaceful tribe living outside of their city and forced himself on her. Now, his son informed him that he wanted to take Dinah as a wife: So Shechem spoke to his father Hamor, saying, "Get me this girl for my wife." —Gen. 34:4 [ESV]VIEW MORE -
Dinah Part 2: Dina's Trouble
JUN 25, 2021Last week, we looked at the archeology and the design of the city of Shechem for iBIBLE. Shechem serves as the backdrop for the story of Dinah. The entire story of what happens to Jacob's daughter, Dinah, is told in Genesis Chapter 34. Today, we will look at what happened to her.VIEW MORE -
Dinah Part 1: Building Shechem
JUN 18, 2021As Jacob returned to the Promised Land, something horrific happened to his daughter Dinah. Because the purpose of iBIBLE is to illustrate the entire narrative of Scripture, we must also include the painful events that are revealed in God's Word alongside the Bible stories that are popular and easier to read. In iBIBLE Chapter 21, we see the violence against Dinah and how the sons of Jacob retaliated. As we begin to explore this story, we first look at the animation of the city of Shechem—the backdrop of the story of Dinah.VIEW MORE -
Announcing the First iBIBLE Storybook
JUN 11, 2021We are excited to announce that the iBIBLE storybook containing the first three chapters of iBIBLE has entered the typesetting phase. Featuring the same beautiful art found within iBIBLE, the storybook includes the Bible-based script used in iBIBLE and conveys the Biblical narrative in a beautiful and engaging format. When all of the volumes are complete, they will contain the entire Divine narrative of Scripture.VIEW MORE -
Reuben and the Sons of Jacob (Part 3)
JUN 03, 2021Last week, we looked at the story of Reuben and how he stopped his brothers from killing Joseph, but ultimately was faced with a choice: would he turn his brothers in, or would he deceive his father along with them? Today, we will see the culmination of the story of the brothers and Joseph, and ultimately how Reuben finally experiences the consequences for his actions earlier in life when he slept with his father's concubine.VIEW MORE -
Reuben and the Sons of Jacob (Part 2)
MAY 27, 2021Last week, we looked at the first part of the life of Reuben and the sons of Jacob. They grew up watching their father navigate difficult situations: escaping from Haran, handling complicated family matters, and resettling in the Promised Land. Today, we pick up where we left off. Reuben did something that would cost him his place as the leader of the sons of Jacob. He slept with his father's concubine.VIEW MORE -
Reuben and the Sons of Jacob (Part 1)
MAY 21, 2021This week we continue our "deep dive" into the family of Jacob. In the past few weeks, we looked at his two main wives: Leah and Rachel. Today, we take a look at Jacob's sons, especially his firstborn Reuben.VIEW MORE -
Jumping Ahead: Jesus Washes Peter's Feet
MAY 17, 2021There are so many iconic Bible passages and events—the ones you tend to visualize and certainly would never forget. For example: David killing Goliath, Elijah being taken to Heaven in a chariot of fire, or Jesus and the Last Supper.VIEW MORE -
Enhancing the Story of Job
MAY 06, 2021This week, we take a closer look at how the story of Job has been enhanced by new animation and a commitment to the story presented in Scripture.VIEW MORE -
Experience the First Six Chapters of iBIBLE
APR 29, 2021iBIBLE is the first of its kind. When completed, iBIBLE will reveal the entire Biblical narrative in chronological order in one cohesive story. Today, we are excited for you to see God's Word come to life like never before. Be blessed by the first six chapters of the most important story in all of history: God's Divine narrative.VIEW MORE -
"Give Me Children, or I Shall Die"
APR 27, 2021Last week, we discussed the story of Jacob's first wife, Leah, and how God blessed her even though she was unloved by her husband. This week, we take a closer look at Jacob's second wife, Rachel. Rachel was the woman he loved and worked for 14 years in order to marry.VIEW MORE -
Bittersweet or Blessing: A Closer Look at Leah
APR 15, 2021As we produce and illustrate iBIBLE, we have the privilege to take a deeper look at characters from the Bible, their stories, and important lessons that they teach us. Today, let's take a look at Jacob's first wife, Leah.VIEW MORE -
Chapter 1 Video Sample -"Creation"
APR 08, 2021Today, we are happy to share the sixth prerelease of iBIBLE with you. In past weeks, we have shown you "The Great Flood (Parts 1 and 2)," "The Fall," "The Tower of Babel," and "Cain and Abel." This time, we go back all the way to the beginning with Chapter 1.VIEW MORE -
The Biblical Timeline
APR 01, 2021Have you ever wondered how the timeline of different events in the Bible could impact the narrative? In the Scriptures, a few verses may represent moments in time, days, years, or even decades! To understand the true narrative, it is imperative that we consider the timeline of events that occur in the Bible.VIEW MORE -
Chapter 3 Video Sample -"Cain and Abel"
MAR 25, 2021Welcome to our fifth prerelease of iBIBLE. Previously, we have shown you "The Great Flood (Parts 1 and 2)," "The Fall," and "The Tower of Babel." Today, we present Chapter 3: "Cain and Abel." In this story, we see the events leading up to the murder of Abel by his brother Cain, and the events that followed.VIEW MORE -
Creating a Chronological Narrative
MAR 18, 2021If you have read much of the Bible, you are probably aware that it is not always presented in chronological order. Sometimes this is obvious, and other times it can be less clear. The goal of iBIBLE is to reveal the one true narrative of Scripture from Genesis to the final Revelation. Today, let's explore how the narrative of Scripture comes together in iBIBLE.VIEW MORE -
Chapter 5 Video Sample -"The Great Flood (Part 2)"
MAR 11, 2021At the end of Chapter 4, Noah, his family, and all the animals were floating safely on the ark. Nearly a year passed before God called Noah out of the ark and established a covenant with him, all of mankind, and all of creation. God also gave His people new direction, instilled fear of mankind into all wild animals, and set his bow in the sky as a reminder of His covenant.VIEW MORE -
Seventy Times Seven: A Look at Lamech
MAR 04, 2021While illustrating iBIBLE, we have the privilege of taking a closer look at some of the more unusual passages of Scripture, and we get the opportunity to reflect on aspects that we may not have considered before.VIEW MORE -
Chapter 6 Video Sample -"The Tower of Babel"
FEB 24, 2021After the flood, God instructed the people to scatter about the earth (Gen. 9:1, and again in Gen. 9:7). However, in Genesis 11, they defied God's clear instruction to fill the earth and instead stayed together in one place. At the Tower of Babel, they united to make a name for themselves.VIEW MORE -
Chapter 2 Video Sample -"The Fall"
FEB 11, 2021In this chapter, we show the events of the Fall, when sin entered into the world through Adam and Eve. This event instantly altered the relationship that humans and God shared. It is no understatement to say that this event changed absolutely everything! As you watch this special prerelease, you can see the stunning artwork that helps bring God's Word to life.VIEW MORE -
From the Daughters of Lot to King David
FEB 04, 2021When we look at the entire Biblical narrative, we see how many of these seemingly unrelated events fit together. We also see how God can still use His people to accomplish His purposes despite their sinful and immoral acts. One such event involved the daughters of Lot, their offspring, and the lineage of David.VIEW MORE -
Chapter 4 Video Sample -"The Great Flood (Part 1)"
JAN 28, 2021Last Sunday, we shared our prerelease edit of iBIBLE Chapter 4: "The Great Flood (Part 1)." We are excited to now include it in our Behind the Scenes updates. The version below will be used online, with video projection, and on DVD. The version for the phone app will also include the ability for the user to turn each page at their own pace as they engage with God's Word.VIEW MORE -
The Great Flood (Part 1)
JAN 28, 2021You can see the beautiful artwork that helps bring God's Word to life! What you cannot see is that the script follows the Scriptures as closely as possible in a narrative format.VIEW MORE -
Sister or Wife?
JAN 21, 2021As we make our way through the entire Divine narrative, illustrating the iBIBLE, there are some unusual events that must be animated. For example, two times in Scripture, Abram said that his wife Sarai was his sister. And later, his son, Isaac, did the same with his own wife. Let's look at why they conceived of such ruses, and what happened next. The first time this happened was after Abram left Haran at 75 years old. Abram, his wife Sarai, and their tribe traveled around Canaan, pitched their tents, fed their flocks, and journeyed on. While traveling, they received a promise from God that He would give this land to Abram's descendants. But then, trouble came: Now there was a famine in the land. So Abram went down to Egypt to sojourn there, for the famine was severe in the land.—Gen. 12:10 [ESV] As they approached the formidable empire of Egypt, Abram turned to his wife with an unusual request: When he was about to enter Egypt, he said to Sarai his wife, "I know that you are a woman beautiful in appearance, and when the Egyptians see you, they will say, ‘This is his wife.' Then they will kill me, but they will let you live. Say you are my sister, that it may go well with me because of you, and that my life may be spared for your sake. —Gen. 12:11–13VIEW MORE -
Esau and Jacob (Part 2: The Elder Shall Serve the Younger)
JAN 14, 2021After Esau sold his birthright to Jacob, years went by, and many events happened: Isaac's tribe traveled, settled in various places, and Esau even married two local women. As time went by, Isaac was so old that he became nearly blind. He began to get his affairs in order, and it was time for him to pass on his blessing. Blessings would be given to each of his children, but the most important blessing was always given to the firstborn.VIEW MORE -
Esau and Jacob (Part 1: Birth of Two Nations)
JAN 07, 2021In our last iBIBLE "Behind the Scenes," we looked at the marriage of Isaac and Rebekah. We know that Rebekah was unable to bear children, so Isaac cried out to God for help. After nearly 20 years of marriage, by the grace of God, Rebekah became pregnant with twins. However, the children struggled in Rebekah's womb. She said, "If it is thus, why is this happening to me?" (Gen. 25:22, ESV) and went to the Lord in prayer. And the Lord said to her: "Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples from within you shall be divided; the one shall be stronger than the other, the older shall serve the younger." —Gen. 25:23VIEW MORE -
The Life of Isaac (Part Four)
DEC 29, 2020Isaac was 37 years old and without a wife when his mother Sarah passed away. After her death, Isaac's father Abraham sought to obtain a wife for him. Abraham did not want Isaac to marry one of the Canaanites (they were not God's chosen people), but wanted him to take a wife from his father's family that had remained in Haran instead.VIEW MORE -
The Life of Isaac (Part Three: God Will Provide)
DEC 17, 2020God had referred to Isaac as Abraham's "only son, whom you love." He knew how hard this command to sacrifice his son would be to carry out. Now the time had come. As Abraham and Isaac arrived at the mountains of Moriah, Abraham instructed the men who were traveling with them to remain behind, and asked Isaac to carry the firewood for the burnt offering. Isaac and Abraham began climbing the mountain together.VIEW MORE -
The Life of Isaac (Part Two: The Sacrifice)
DEC 10, 2020Abraham had waited 25 years for God's promise of a son to be fulfilled. Sarah, Abraham's wife, miraculously gave birth to Isaac at 99 years old! God had promised that Abraham's descendants would be like the stars of the sky and sands of the sea. How could this test from God possibly make sense to Abraham? Wouldn't it contradict all that God had previously promised if he were to obey and sacrifice his son? However, Abraham knew God's voice well, so he proceeded without delay to carry out the task that God had asked him to complete. He had total trust in his Creator.VIEW MORE -
The Life of Isaac (Part One)
DEC 03, 202025 years after God gave Abraham the promise, it was fulfilled! Abraham was 100 years old when his wife Sarah, age 90, gave birth to a son: The Lord visited Sarah as he had said, and the Lord did to Sarah as he had promised. And Sarah conceived and bore Abraham a son in his old age at the time of which God had spoken to him. Abraham called the name of his son who was born to him, whom Sarah bore him, Isaac. And Abraham circumcised his son Isaac when he was eight days old, as God had commanded him. Abraham was a hundred years old when his son Isaac was born to him. —Gen. 21:1–5 [ESV]VIEW MORE -
Hagar: The Egyptian Servant (Part Two)
NOV 24, 2020Last week, we introduced the story of Hagar, the Egyptian servant of Sarai. Sarai had given Hagar to her husband Abram to serve as a surrogate mother. Once pregnant with Abram's child, she began to treat Sarai with contempt. This led to a conflict between Sarai and Hagar, and resulted in Hagar fleeing into the wilderness. There, an angel of the Lord spoke to her: "Return to your mistress and submit to her…I will surely multiply your offspring so that they cannot be numbered for multitude…Behold, you are pregnant and shall bear a son. You shall call his name Ishmael, because the Lord has listened to your affliction." —Gen. 16:9–11 [ESV] excerptedVIEW MORE -
Hagar: The Egyptian Servant (Part One)
NOV 19, 2020It's hard not to wonder what went through the minds of Abram and Sarai while they waited, year after year, for the son God had promised. How would God fulfill this promise? Every year Sarai advances in age, making it (humanly) less likely, or even impossible to bear a child. We know that at a certain point Sarai goes to Abram with a solution: she offers her servant Hagar as a surrogate mother: Now Sarai, Abram's wife, had borne him no children. She had a female Egyptian servant whose name was Hagar. And Sarai said to Abram, "Behold now, the Lord has prevented me from bearing children. Go in to my servant; it may be that I shall obtain children by her." And Abram listened to the voice of Sarai. So, after Abram had lived ten years in the land of Canaan, Sarai, Abram's wife, took Hagar the Egyptian, her servant, and gave her to Abram her husband as a wife. And he went into Hagar, and she conceived. —Gen. 16:1–4 [ESV]VIEW MORE -
The Son of the Promise
NOV 13, 2020To faithfully illustrate the promise of God to provide Abram with a son, we begin by mapping out a 25-year timeline. The first indication of the promise is when God calls Abram out of Mesopotamia. Abram is 75 years old at this time: Now the Lord said to Abram, "Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you. And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed." —Gen. 12:1–4 [ESV]VIEW MORE -
A Tale of Two Kings
NOV 05, 2020As Abram returned from the attack, he was met by two kings: the king of Sodom, and the king of Salem. The king of Salem, Melchizedek, was called a priest of God Most High. Not much is known about Melchizedek, though he is mentioned a few times in Scripture. Most notably, he uniquely serves as both a king AND a priest.VIEW MORE -
Noah's Vineyard
OCT 29, 2020After emerging from the ark and receiving the new covenant from God, Noah settles down and begins to work the land. In iBIBLE Chapter 4, we see this event come to fruition. Though Noah is most famously known for the story of Noah's Ark, there is another part of his story that is often not told. He is also the subject of the first story of intoxication.VIEW MORE -
The First Instruments
OCT 22, 2020As the descendants of mankind begin to populate the earth, we see creativity and ingenuity come into play. In iBIBLE Chapter 3, we encounter the first musical instruments. Instruments will be a recurring theme in iBIBLE. Many well-known characters in Scripture used instruments in spontaneous praise of God, in daily temple worship, and even in battle.VIEW MORE -
Creating a Single Page of iBIBLE
OCT 16, 2020From script to animatics, from animation to final render, there are many steps that go into a single page of the iBIBLE. Today, we will give you an overview of the workflow and creativity that is necessary to produce one single page spread (left and right hand page).VIEW MORE -
The First Murder Weapon
OCT 08, 2020When we read the story of Cain and Abel, we can't help but feel devastated at the reality of sin—that mankind had fallen so far in just one generation that a murder would occur. The task of the iBIBLE team is to bring this story to life with Biblical accuracy. In this case, not a lot of information about the specifics of the first murder are given. We do know that Cain attacked his brother and killed him, but the question for our team was: how do we depict this in iBIBLE? This is a difficult subject to delve into, but in order to accurately portray the stories in iBIBLE, we have to consider all of the factors that would be shown in the animation carefully.VIEW MORE -
With Bricks and Mortar
SEP 24, 2020When illustrating this narrative for Chapter 5 of iBIBLE, we had to consider these questions: Why was God so opposed to the Tower of Babel? How was it made? And, where was it made?VIEW MORE -
The Restoration of Job
SEP 17, 2020Over the past few weeks, we have looked closer at the tribulation of Job in chapters 6 and 7 of the Behind The Scenes of iBIBLE series. This week is the conclusion to this series. In review, Job's three friends tried to convince Job that he had sinned, and that his sin had resulted in his suffering. They contended that God would never let a righteous man suffer. Elihu comes on the scene and doesn't agree with Job's three friends, stating that Job's failure came when he attributed righteousness to himself, rather than to God, his Creator. It is then that God speaks and challenges Job, who had dared to question God. Job responds to the Lord in repentance.VIEW MORE -
God Responds
SEP 10, 2020In the past weeks, we looked at the conversation between Job and his friends. So many questions, hypotheses, and thoughts are given about why God allowed Job to suffer in this way. In the end, Job actually states that he wants the Almighty to answer him!VIEW MORE -
SEP 03, 2020Over the past few weeks, we have presented a behind-the-scenes look at the creation and animation of Job in iBIBLE. This week we will look at Elihu. We do not know very much about Elihu, but we do know that he is younger than the others, and that he is the son of Barachel the Buzite of the family of Ram. We do not know when he arrived to speak to Job, or when he departed, and interestingly, there is no record of him being rebuked by God as Job's other three friends were. Naturally, this brings about many questions: was Elihu a fourth friend of Job? Was he a type of Christ? Was he God's messenger? Or, was he someone else altogether? The best part of producing the Biblical narrative is that we don't necessarily have to answer these questions. We reserve these difficult questions and answers for pastors, teachers, and theologians. Our job in producing iBIBLE is to present the narrative: the events that happened as revealed in Scripture.VIEW MORE -
Job's Friends Part 2: Bildad and Zophar
AUG 27, 2020Job has suffered immensely, and his friends have gathered to support him. We looked first at his friend, Eliphaz who believed that God was punishing Job for his sins. Let's take a look at Job's friends Bildad and Zophar as they also try to understand what happened to Job and argue that suffering is punishment for sin and prosperity is reward for righteousness.VIEW MORE -
Job's Friends Part 1: Eliphaz
AUG 20, 2020Job's friends have seen him suffer horribly, and they gather to try to comfort him. From chapters 4 to 31, Job conversed with his friends about the meaning of suffering. Ultimately the theories of his friends were unsatisfactory and aligned with some of the same theories people often have today.VIEW MORE -
The Tribulations of Job
AUG 13, 2020As the book of Job opens, we see a "blameless and upright man, one who feared God, and turned away from evil." If suffering is intended as a punishment for evil, Job would not be a recipient. The first chapter of Job is not even finished when Job's calamity begins. Within the realm of a single day, all Job had was in ruins and his world thrown upside down. His ten children and most of his servants were dead. His 11,000 head of livestock, gone. Yet, in all of this, Job's integrity did not fail him.VIEW MORE -
Who is in Control?
AUG 06, 2020Setting the stage for the story of Job that is about to unfold, we see a scene that challenges our understanding: an exchange between God and Satan; with the fate of a man in the balance. The Scripture sets the stage: the angels present themselves before the Lord. One thing is immediately clear. God is taking an active and involved role in specific situations on earth.VIEW MORE -
Honoring Job's Wife
JUL 30, 2020As the story of Job unfolds, we clearly see a man that suffered at the hands of Satan. The extent of his affliction includes losing his wealth, his children, his reputation, and even his health. But what of Job's wife? Some who recall the story have assumed she dies along with their children, or that she was angry and defiant to God.VIEW MORE -
Tar Pits
JUL 23, 2020As the story comes to life in iBIBLE chapter 9, we see a compelling scene playout: a battle between many different armies in a rich valley surrounded by hills ... with tar/bitumen pits.VIEW MORE -
Lineage of Jesus
JUL 16, 2020When reading the genealogy of Jesus, truth be told, many of us see a puzzling list. It's easy to skim over it searching for the real story of Jesus's grandness to begin. We know the names were people, but perhaps we don't know about their lives or even struggle to pronounce their names. The story of Jesus, though, doesn't begin with the nativity. It begins in Genesis—and understanding the grandeur, grace, and greatness of our God comes in knowing the story that has unfolded throughout the Old Testament.VIEW MORE -
Warrior Chieftain
JUL 09, 2020In Genesis chapter 14 we read of the war of nine Kings, in which Sodom is defeated. After their defeat, the city was looted, and the inhabitants were taken away to be slaves. One of those inhabitants was Abram's nephew Lot.VIEW MORE -
Remember Lot's Wife
JUL 02, 2020As Jesus spoke of the cataclysmic events that would take place in the end times, he brought to our attention the destruction of a city destroyed in the book of Genesis: Sodom. Specifically, he called on his disciples to "remember Lot's wife" who was transformed into a pillar of salt when she looked back at the destruction befalling Sodom.VIEW MORE -
Sitting at the Gate
JUN 25, 2020A strange declaration by the inhabitants of Sodom. Was Lot a judge in Sodom, or was this just their way of saying "you think you're better than us"? This is a question the team asked as we animated iBIBLE chapters 9 and 10.VIEW MORE -
The Lay of the Land
JUN 18, 2020Abraham walked, talked, sacrificed, fought, rescued, prayed, defended, and forged his faith throughout his journeys nearly 40 centuries ago. In iBIBLE chapters 8, 9, 10, and 11, we travel with Abraham, and we cover a lot of ground!VIEW MORE -
Crossing the Euphrates
JUN 11, 2020When Jacob left Haran, he was in a hurry. He knew that he needed to get as much distance as possible between himself and Laban. But he was not alone. In Chapter 14 of iBIBLE we had to answer a big question. How did Jacob cross the Euphrates river, with all he brought as he fled from Laban?VIEW MORE -
Walking With God
JUN 04, 2020Abraham's relationship with God was of such intimacy that he thoroughly understood His character and purpose. He knew God, because he had relationship with him. We see this relationship play out in iBIBLE chapters 9 and 10.VIEW MORE -
Behold Now Behemoth
MAY 21, 2020Two great creatures, Behemoth and Leviathan, are described by God in Job. Some commentators have suggested Behemoth was an elephant or hippo, but the description simply doesn't match. In iBIBLE chapter 07 the second half of the book of Job comes to life. How then did we determine the design of the mighty Behemoth?VIEW MORE -
The City of Haran
MAY 14, 2020In the time period of the patriarchs, there are few locations that carry as much of the story as the city of Haran. Terah, Abram's father, passed away and was buried there. Isaac's wife, Rebekah, lived in Haran, and Jacob stayed in Haran for over two decades working under his uncle, Laban.VIEW MORE -
Creating the Well Near Haran
MAY 07, 2020As we bring the iBIBLE to life and animate the story of Jacob, the well is a key component to uncover. What did the wells look like? How did they operate? What was the purpose of the large stone Jacob rolled away? How did a person water their flock at a well? Did the animals drink from a bucket, was there a trough nearby, or was there some part of the well that allowed the animals to drink?VIEW MORE -
Mandrakes in Genesis
MAY 01, 2020The story of Rachel, Leah and Jacob unfolds in Genesis Chapter 29. In their story, we see the importance of bearing children. When Rachel sees Leah has mandrakes, she trades her night with Jacob in exchange for them.VIEW MORE -
The Blade of Job
APR 16, 2020When we read Job's response to his suffering, our hearts marvel at his trust in God and his acceptance of a loss that is so deeply painful, almost unimaginable. The task in front of the iBIBLE team is to bring this to life, with Biblical accuracy, for the people of the world. And the questions we wouldn't think to ask must now be explored.VIEW MORE
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